

Med Surg, Oncology, and Psych

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About strickla27

strickla27 has 2 years experience and specializes in Med Surg, Oncology, and Psych.

I am looking to move to Las Vegas as soon as possible. My role is a Charge Nurse, and a member of my hospitals Career Enhancement Program.I work in a med/surg and oncology department.

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  1. New grad rn in las vegas, nevada

    hello all, It sounds like I am in the same situation as a lot of you. My boyfriend has a job in another field and I am going to start applying. What was your experience like? Any information can help...
  2. New grad rn in las vegas, nevada

    du girl. I am currently living in PA trying to get a job in NV. I got my NV license in January when I was out in Las Vegas. I got finger printed in the office and had my official license within 2...
  3. Relocating to Las Vegas

    Hello everyone, I am looking for some help on relocation to Las Vegas. I have visited the city many times and am very familiar with the Henderson area. My boyfriend has a job interview on July 21st in...
  4. Moving to las vegas,henderson area

    Hello everyone, I am looking for some help on relocation to Las Vegas. I have visited the city many times and am very familiar with the Henderson area. My boyfriend has a job interview on July 21st in...