
bug2621 MSN, APRN, NP


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About bug2621

bug2621 has 6 years experience as a MSN, APRN, NP and specializes in Cardiology.

Currently a Nurse Educator, looking forward to my new adventure as an NP

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  1. ^^^This^^^ everything in her post is spot
  2. That article says nothing about medical care that Hispanics receive. I have seen countless anecdotes and research articles posted that state how prejudice is a problem in the medical community. I...
  3. You don’t have to be “logical” about it. There’s studies on top of studies about it. Honestly, the first step is to acknowledge you have a bias and that these biases exist. Then taking the...
  4. *sigh* Her political motives aside...she has a point. Now to generalize and say that all nurses and doctors treat black women differently, is far reaching but there is implicit bias out there, not...
  5. So I currently work as a nurse educator at a large teaching hospital for two units. During my time in this position, ive been responsible teaching numerous classes as well designing some. I’ve done...
  6. Duke NP graduates.... worth it?

    I graduated from Duke 12/18 and actually passed boards today. You are estimating cost correctly but there are sometimes scholarships as well. I had one so my loans were a little less. I completed...
  7. Duke FNP Fall 2015

    Hi all! I just got accept to the spring 2016 class AGNP. Any heads up on either what to look out or watch out for? Any tips you wish you would've known?
  8. I work at a very large hospital on a 28 bed telemetry unit. I work night shift on the weekend (sat, sun, mon). I'm The dedicated relief charge nurse because usually we need it On The weekend. I'm The...
  9. WSSU ABSN 2014

    Hey all! Congrats and good luck to everyone accepted! I graduated from this program Feb. 2012 and I have been a practicing nurse. So here are a few truths and tips and tricks to the program. 1. It's...
  10. Chf and fluid boluses

    So I had a patient with CHF that hadn't eaten or drinken all day. There was a 1500cc fluid restriction but she was no where near that limit. That night her pressure dropped into the 70s and 60s. I...
  11. Intensity of adn/absn programs

  12. Intensity of adn/absn programs

    So I just graduated from an ABSN course. 13 months of crazy essentially. Like you, I have a child (she was 4-5) during the program and I didn't work. From my stand point, I preferred to finish quickly...
  13. 5 months snd still haven't takin boards

    Just curious OP...have you taken your boards
  14. First of all, you are not dumb and no one is smarter than you. Others have just picked up the system faster! So I'm going to give you the same advice I gave my classmates....you know too much. Let me...
  15. Yea...the info can be a little tricky to find...here's the link to the application and a brief overview of the program...