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  1. Is this staffing the norm?

    If you feel that it is unsafe...than by all means go by what you feel. I quit an excellent paying job due to unsafe staffing to patient ratios. It is your license and the patients life that is at...
  2. It is far easier to quit a job like this one and find another one than it is to get your name and license tarnished by working for a cut-throat hospital. They will pay dearly for there mistakes. They...

    I have a little down time so I'll cast a peeve of mine. I just can't stand anyone who comes to work with cologne or perfume. Don't these people know that in a hospital that there are patients w/...
  4. Nursing Student Needs Help!

    Hey: I just quit my job in 1-2000. I was tired of having my license being put at risk--so I quit. I came to work and was assigned 12 heavy patients. The normal is 8. They refused to bring in help....
  5. tattle tell

    Is losing your license worth dealing with a psycho co-worker? These are the kind of people that will see too it that you not only lose your job--but lose your license. If you can't change the...
  6. just a little pet peeve...

    I get this kinda thing all the time. It reall cracks me up! How many doctors take their pts. to the restroom? I have several pts. ask me if I'm their M.D. after I take them to the restroom and help...
  7. what do nurses think of medical assistants?

    Hey: Sorry to hear about your troubles. I think what the problem was--was that your patient is a nurse. And some nurses just love to let other people know that they are nurses. I would much rather...

    Are you serious? ------------------
  9. Hey: Follow this link Select Healthcare and Practitioners. Then select the state that you want to work. That should give you an idea of what the...
  10. Nurses @ Higher Risk 4 Lawsuits.

    OK, I have what seems to be a logical argument from Canoehead. I have inculede Canoeheads post from below and will answer the questions that Canoehead posed: Canoehead Writes: canoehead Wait. What are...
  11. What shift do you work? Why?

    3-11PM. Don't need an alarm clock to wake for this shift. ------------------...
  12. Body Art...

    I really don't care if someone has piercings or tatoos. What I care about is: does that nurse know how to give quality care? Personally, I don't understand why anyone would want piercings on the brow....
  13. I'm hoping to increase nsg awareness on the topic of defensive nursing. Most of you are aware of defensive charting practices. The practice of stating facts--not opinions. However, many nurses seem to...
  14. What am I doing? Am I insane?

    Julie w. You totally understand what it is that I'm TRYING to convey. Your point on "nurses writing each other up over a missed med vs. just giving the fricken med" is just one of the many different...
  15. What am I doing? Am I insane?

    KdaY: You obviously have no sense of perception. You read into my statements what you want to. You said that every statement that I have made on this site is negative and hostile. Well, I hope there...