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All Content by nurseintraining33

  1. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    It would be awesome to get them Friday so those that get in can find their ranking right away instead of waiting till Monday but I think Saturday is more likely.I will be waiting all day anyways, my mail always comes so late!
  2. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    I'm going crazy too, I'm so nervous, I told myself before I applied that it would be ok if I didn't get in this year and I would just retake another class for a better gpa, but I of course got my hopes up so I know I'll be sad if I don't make it :/
  3. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    Good luck! Did you have to retake classes to boost your GPA? Is that how they figure the ranking scores? The posts from last year said they do GPA x 25 divided by 2 not 25 + Hesi score divided by 2
  4. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    That's the good thing about MCC being 50/50 hesi/gpa. Your really high hesi score definitely offsets the lower gpa, I don't think you'll have any problem getting in. Your total points for ranking can be higher than someone that has a 4.0 but a low h...
  5. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    Wow, I can't believe how low that # is this year. I've been worried about my gpa being on the 'low' end (3.6) but this gives me a little hope. How many alternates do they take?
  6. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    Let us know if you find out any info. Hoping for low #'s too!
  7. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    You're close, because the threads last year said 423 people were ranked. I wonder if the # is a lot lower because of the Intro to Nursing class, because it definitely eliminates the people who are applying to several nursing schools if they haven't t...
  8. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    I have no idea how many people applied, I would love to know that too. I think as long as you have met all the requirements to apply for the nursing program, then you should receive the ranking letter.
  9. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    Did everyone get their GPA/Ranking Composite letter today? Looks like ranking starts April 19. Ugh, I can't wait any longer!! We need to get this thread more active, where the heck are all the applicants this year???
  10. nurseintraining33

    MCC 2012 Applicant Hopefuls!

    So I emailed enrollement yesterday, just out of curiousity, and she said they are doing the ranking right now so she couldn't give me a number of how many people were being ranked. Maybe I should have asked if they knew how many people applied. I ...
  11. nurseintraining33

    MCC 2012 Applicant Hopefuls!

    Hello. Just thought I'd start a new thread for us that are waiting to hear if we got in to MCC's 2012 program since the other thread sort of fizzled out. I know we still have a couple months before letters go out so let's wait together :)
  12. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    Anyone hear any word on how many people applied this year? Seems like last year they were able to find out before the letters went out. As far as the working thing, I'm pretty sure I remember the Intro to Nursing teacher tell us more people work tha...
  13. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    I applied with a 3.6 and 91 HESI. I'm hoping it's good enough for March start or at least alternate. Good luck everyone!
  14. nurseintraining33

    Macomb Community College - 2012 HESI

    There were maybe 10 people in my Hesi group as well. If you think about it, only a certain # of sections of Intro to Nursing courses were offered which could be completed in time for the Feb. 2015 deadline, so pretty much only the people who were abl...
  15. nurseintraining33


    I'm taking the class right now :)
  16. nurseintraining33


    Jaslene - Those are the right ISBN #'s but they sell both books together as a bundle for around $105 I think at the MCC bookstore but The Bookmark had both for $95 when I bought them. Amazon looks like it would be more expensive since you have to b...
  17. Thanks! Yes, I got an A in ENG118, that's the only class I don't have to worry about.
  18. I know I was blown away when he said that! I was worried because I had B's in A&P and Micro and that definitely confirmed for me that I have to retake A&P and shoot for an A or I will have no chance. I'm done with all my pre-reqs except ...
  19. Hi everyone. Just wanted to post in case anyone was curious that I went to one the Nursing Selective Admissions seminars and the counselor said that out of this groups averages, the bottom five had and 83.8 on their HESI but a 3.89 GPA! Great job e...