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All Content by Student213

  1. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    @ Ruth - Totally, are you going to meet with us before orientation? Since they put people in clinicals maybe we will have them together. I know Jefe and Manow and more of us also live in Arlington. It think Hopeful?!?!? I'm starting to get confused o...
  2. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    @ Ruth - you live about a mile from me. I know the apartments. I live in the neighborhood behind Workman.
  3. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    @ Ruth, you must live close to me. I'm behind the highlands in Arlington. @ Kmart - it is at trinity river and I was looking at the map and I think it is right above the testing center. Don't forget to pay for your skills kit and bring the receipt w...
  4. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Welcome Ruth and congrats. @ Tx - I was wondering the same thing too, but cross was my micro lab partner so I know I know one, lol
  5. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    The same one as the bookstore, just further down
  6. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    There is an eating area right across from it, but it is pretty large.
  7. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    They don't have a Starbucks but the do have a little coffee shop that hand makes cappuccinos and lattes and stuff.
  8. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Yeah, sorry I did mean the day of orientation. I could have worded that better. Like maybe at 7:30 or so.
  9. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    We are less than two weeks from orientation. Do you guys wanna meet before hand. We did that a Weatherford. If so, where are y'all thinking? It will be at Trinity River Campus.
  10. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Do you know which app they are using?
  11. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Let us know what you find out in the crunch. I haven't spent too much time researching prices because I can't buy my books yet anyways. I just spoke with my cousin and he said that him and a bunch of his friends are using the Foundations book that is...
  12. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    So, majors books has that package up now that txhusker was talking about a while back. It has a lot of books for $200 and a pack that has hard copy and e books for $255. I haven't compared it with our list yet.
  13. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I know that this go around they didn't. My cousin was registering at 6am yesterday for his rn classes with everyone else.
  14. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Hopefully they will fix it before we have to register in April.
  15. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    @ Manow - I'm surpised that they aren't having the alts go to orientation. Weatherford did, but I know you will get in. Dont buy any red scrubs just yet. Lol. Oh, did y'all see that TCC registration process made the news??
  16. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    We will have that chaos again next semester
  17. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    @ Krista - I took all my sciences on campus and took some of my other classes online. I like the onlines classes but the sciences where the classes that I enjoyed the most so I liked going to them (most days, lol) @ Kmart - I got the littmann lightwe...
  18. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Yeah, honestly I was surprised that I got any at all.
  19. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I finally got my letter saying how much financial aid I will be this go around. Only half of what I got last year, but glad it will at least cover the tuition. It sucks that we only get half of it since we are only taking 8 hours. So close to the 9 l...
  20. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    21 days until orientation 67 days till class starts We are slowly getting there.
  21. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    OMG - I am so excited for you guys!!! That's awesome! Crossing fingers for Manow and AJK
  22. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    @ AJK - stay hopeful!!!! Crossing my fingers for you. @ TX - have you picked yours up? I just got mine. They put a , S.N. after our names. I thought it was really cool!!
  23. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I am as well :) but prob only get one year to start with.
  24. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I found that the Dickies cargo pants fit really nice and the pants I got we $20. I've never heard of the brand before "inspiration by letap" or something like that. They were the same color as the dickies but were soft like the greys anatomy ones and...
  25. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Oh and also I believe we are going to have to go to the hospitals the day before our clinicals to pick out patients and do our prework so that's a little more time each week.