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All Content by Student213

  1. Weatherford College Fall 2012 start

    Sorry Jess. I don't know why I typed fall. I got accepted into the spring for both programs. I start in a few days. Good luck on the TEAS for all of you. It is pretty tough but just remember that it is tough for everyone. Look at the national average...
  2. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Oh, btw. I talked with SH and she said they are going through everyone's files today and will call anyone who is missing info by end of day today.
  3. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Kirbe, are you busy this weekend. Maybe we can get together with my books!
  4. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I am at the health dept getting my last hep b shot. It's crazy busy today because of the meningitis vac. Ive been here since 8 so I just got done ordering the rest of the ref book. I bought some of them an edition back or used to save money.
  5. Weatherford College Fall 2012 start

    No, you're good. You are applying for Fall so they take 40. Maybe twice as good depending on how many people apply. You'll be fine. Most people that find their way to allnurses get accepted. :)
  6. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Just ordered my text books. Haven't decided on my reference books yet, but what a weight off my shoulders.
  7. Weatherford College Fall 2012 start

    The psych camp is in over the summer and you stay there for a week or so since it is so far. I know they said at orientation that they use Weatherford regional for clinicals and also I know they use JPS and I think Plaza. There are more than that, bu...
  8. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Just thinks guys, we only have one more Xmas and new years until we graduate. Sounds better that ways. :)
  9. Weatherford College Fall 2012 start

    Hi, I was accepted into the adn program for Fall but will be going to TCC. I would say to buy the study guide for the TEAS and study hard. It really does make a big difference in your points. Good luck to all of you!!
  10. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    And we are back up!! :)
  11. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I wonder if he sent the email to all the RN student or just the ones in our semester? I'm gonna ask my cousin if he got it also.
  12. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I really want to take it but with reg RN classes, husband, 4 kids in elementary and working 31 hours a week I don't want to take it my first semester either. I sent Mr. Ume an e-mail to see if he was planning on doing one next semester or over the su...
  13. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    That's awesome news AJK. Let us know when you get your schedule. Congrats!!!
  14. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I just got out of a meeting with my boss to talk about my sch once school starts. I normally work 8-5 m-f and they totally worked with me on my sch. I'm going to part time and told them what hours I could work, which most of them are outside of my no...
  15. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Haha, that's funny! We just painted the living room and dinning room. Figured it's better to get it done before I start.
  16. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    My husband and I are on our way to the company x-mas party and he took me by Plaza to scope the place out. It's smaller than I thought it would be. The cafe is nice. Can't wait to start!!
  17. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    @ Jefe - yes 50659 is also our theory section number so I guess we do have that class together...YAY!! Also my skills section number is 50601. Looks like we have skills with the people who have Baylor for clinicals.
  18. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Btw...I plan on being in skills lab on M/W before theory class.
  19. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I'm at work and will post mine later, I don't have it on me, I wonder if any of us have theory together?
  20. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Guys, what are your theory section numbers?
  21. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    It was nice getting to finally meet everyone! Hope everyone got a sch that they like. Mine is Clinicals at plaza 7-1 T-Th Theory M W 10-12 Skills M 1:30-4:30 Looks like I will be getting up early but I love it!!
  22. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I actually like Nike and was looking at this pair since they look easy to clean.
  23. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    I was already planning on joining, but just for 1 year to start. They put up a pretty good pitch at WC orientation. I really want to get to do some volunteer stuff if possible.
  24. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Haha, y'all are so funny...Student?!?! But really, I cant wait to meet everyone!!! Just 1.5 days left! Oh and BTW...that laptop is totally mine :) just kidding!
  25. Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

    Congrats to Nancy and Manow I look forward to seeing you again at orientation Manow. @ AJK - yay, you are so close now!!!!!