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  1. Hair Test at Evaluation

    If you haven't smoked THC, that is no issue. You are fine. The danger is this....Most State Boards in the last 5 years are selecting the testing sites for where nurses go for evaluations. It did not use to be this way. The Board would say, we nee...
  2. California Nurses

    When you enter a program, most programs will want you to attend 3 recovery meetings per week, which is either AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery or Smart Recovery or a combination of those above. You will call in everyday to check in and when you call, if y...
  3. Help, unable to comply with IPN

    1. Rose, please don't post about things you have no clue or concept of what you are talking about. I am a CRNA and use to set on the California Board prior to CRNA school while an RN. I did it for 2 years. I have seen over 25 nurses criminally ch...
  4. California Nurses

    In California, everyone does NOT get a key restriction. This totally varies based on what the nurse did, for example, diluted urine specimen when applying for a job compared to proven Diversion of narcotics while at work. Those two are radically dif...
  5. California Nurses

    I am in Sacramento, and use to be on the Board. I'm now in NYC
  6. California BRN investigation notification need to fight. I would first and foremost, acknowledge the receipt of the investigation. 2nd, I would immediately get a chemical evaluation and then send this to the Board. From that point right there, the Board has no case against you...
  7. Hair Test at Evaluation

    The hair test for alcohol is very, very likely IF.....IF the Board is picking the chemical eval facility for you. If they are saying to you, "we want you to go here." Then it's very likely. If you have some say so in which chemical eval facility y...
  8. Hair Test at Evaluation

    Your license was suspended and you are still in.....ANY amount of alcohol shows poor judgement. It begs the question much do you truly care about your licence. With the volume of alcohol that you drank in the last 90 days, ...
  9. California BRN investigation notification

    A previous med error and IPN are not the same thing. You don't get placed into a monitoring program due to a simple med error. Is there more to the story? Was the med error something just a bit more than a med in....narcotics went mis...
  10. For any nurses in monitoring programs, be careful requesting vacation time. Some of you will have allowed maximum amount of vacation time specified in your monitoring agreement per year. Some will say it's at your case managers discretion. Some wi...
  11. Hair Test at Evaluation

    First of all, you did not disclose WHY you have a chemical dependency evaluation. 2nd. Alcohol usage can be detected in the hair for up to 90 days. The test is more qualitative than quantitative and here is what I mean. They can detect, goi...
  12. California Nurses

    False. It is now 5 for anyone coming in with Diversion History and here is why. First, I have cut and pasted from their website "Generally, the Program length is between three (3) to five (5) years. However, the actual length of time will depend o...
  13. California Nurses

    There are circumstances where waiting is better due to not being in that state, or traveling, saving money, etc. I get that, but by in large...and in most cases, getting the clock started is better. Trust me on this. I have talked to hundreds....n...
  14. Wait or go

    No there isn't. You are absolutely not under any work restrictions UNTIL the Board says you are. If you are being investigated by a nurse board and the evidence looks overwhelming to the point that the Board can not wait the average 12 to 18 months...
  15. California Nurses

    No, I did not wait until the investigation was over before entering my monitoring program. Why? Because I wanted the clock started. It's a 5 year monitoring program. The state is going to want you to do 5 years of being monitored (daily check in/...