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All Content by studentgolfer

  1. Anyone waiting on Acceptance/Rejection Letter '2012

    What really sucks is when the letter is actually sitting on your kitchen counter and you are dreading opening it because it's not thick enough in your opinion. I was accepted to a spring 2012 program but I found out 4-5 months ago, and the envelope w...
  2. What to do in the mean time of not getting accepted into RN program?

    You are talking about getting accepted straightaway into a post bacc at St. Kates thats probably more my experience it is easy to get into the ADN-RN program that they have...all you need are deep pockets. No one hires LPN's around ...
  3. Inver Hills/ Century College hopeful

  4. You paid HOW MUCH for nursing school??!!

    Also the difference in starting wages here in MN is $0.25/hr ADN-RN vs. BSN-RN
  5. You paid HOW MUCH for nursing school??!!

    I didn't mean to offend you, I am speaking mainly of the situation here in MN as that is really the only system I have first hand experience with. We have waiting lists here as well for every CC program (500 applicants for 120 spots usually) and mo...
  6. You paid HOW MUCH for nursing school??!!

    I have never been in the armed services I don't know where you got that VA bit. I didn't say I get money from the VA. I work and pay for my education myself, with a LITTLE help from my employer.
  7. Does it pay to know spanish?

    This is in the minnesota forum for a reason, the OP is probably from MN. Your guys' posts "it may be different in different regions" is irrelevant since she posted this in the MN forum. I bet you have a lot more people speaking spanish in TX, JUST S...
  8. When working in the hospital Which Floor is the Best Floor

    Since you are a NEW Nursing Assistant, the best floor in a hospital to work on will be any floor you can get hired on. Hospitals don't like to hire new pca's with no experience. I really doubt you will have your selection of floors to work're...
  9. Does it pay to know spanish?

    My two cents, coming from a CNA that's worked med/surg in a hospital for 5 years, is no it will not benefit you that much. I can;t speak from a hiring manager's point of view but I think it would just be a bullet point on your resume. You would nev...
  10. Minnesota LPN vs BSN program-can't decide which to choose

    Great to hear this I took classes at AR, as well as Century and it's good to hear that I can still go on to CRNA (I'm sure his grades were great). I totally agree with saying NO to an LPN as it is a WORTHLESS degree to get now in 2011 (I make more a...
  11. I survived Microbiology Summer II

    Is her text smaller since she's speaking from atop that pedestal?
  12. A "chick's" perspective on Men in Nursing

    Yea I don't think you're going to have to worry about that......:lol2:
  13. Guys, do you wear your wedding band to work?

    Can you explain why you would feel the need to chime in on a post that was made 3 months before you even read it? Having a bad day are we? :lol2::lol2::yeah::yeah: made me laugh though thanks.
  14. You paid HOW MUCH for nursing school??!!

    My hospital pays $1,500 / YEAR. I was talking about every single class. All of my pre-reqs (Chem, Bio, Micro, AP 1, AP 2, AND ALL OF MY AA work so Speech, Geography, etc. except math because who can't test out of that) All of it, zero debt. I pay ...
  15. Textbook nursing vs. real world nursing.

    I feel like this is a saying that catches on with the students in your class that you know aren't going to be a good fit for a nursing career. The ones with little or no patient care experience but they are dead set on becoming a nurse! ($$$!) Thes...
  16. Fired....What now?

    I agree Isabelle, you work there for 6 months, only to be fired in your first 24 hours of un-assisted employment? Seems like we're not getting the whole story. If we are -- then that's really sad.
  17. You paid HOW MUCH for nursing school??!!

    I am going the same route, I will be a DEBT FREE ADN-RN w/ my AA degree. My views on why people pay exorbitant tuition -- they aren't good enough students to get into a cheaper program. Many of the programs around here that are private (Some of them...
  18. Shhhh! ---It's all a crock!

    Maybe you should look into a different career path Abbaking. If you can't be bothered to be quiet-something that takes less energy than being loud-for your patients' benefit, you have no place in nursing. Sleep is essential to healing and feeling w...
  19. Ages of male nursing students?

    So you were accepted to the actual nursing program based on your high school record, and AP credits earned. Plus you have to finish two years before you begin your program. Does this mean you have 2 years pre-nursing and 2 years nursing? This soun...
  20. Ages of male nursing students?

    I too want to know how these 18 year old kids out of High School were accepted into a nursing program to start immediately with no pre-requisite work. Around here, you NEED to have all of your science classes (Bio, Chem, Microbio, A&P I & II...
  21. Rasmussen or not?

    Just say no to Rasmussen.
  22. Inver Hills/ Century College hopeful

    I was awarded a Spring semester start for Century, I was given #55 on the waitlist for Fall start to begin with, just to help anyone I can :). This letter was mailed to me over a month ago though so it's old news. Hopefully 50 people drop out so I ...
  23. Medical Dosage Calculations Class

    So my program requires this class be completed before or concurrently with my first semester. I was planning on just testing out of the class, thus receiving the credit on my transcript and not having to take the class (just useless busywork when I ...
  24. Isn't this how everyone reads, all the time?
  25. Nhcc acceptance letters?

    I haven't taken any classes at NHCC but I did apply to their program once. When I tried to apply for a second time, they attempted to re-charge me for a bunch of fee's that I had payed the prior cycle. When I questioned them about the fees they gre...