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About FeMaMaFutureRN

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  1. New hire to the OR

    Wow, that's really close. I was wondering that as well. What should I pack in my nursing bag.
  2. New hire to the OR

    Hi heather42r, I will be starting an OR Nurse position on November 17, straight out of Nursing School as well. I will be moving from Florida to Arizona so it's even more nerve racking!!! Good luck to us all!!!
  3. Tuba City Arizona Advice

    I am relocating from Florida to Tuba City AZ in the very very near future. I will be working as a New Grad nurse in the Tuba City Regional Hospital. I am traveling with 3 small children. I have never been to the reservation, but I have viewed seve...
  4. Puerto rican RN wanting to move to Miami.

    What ever happened with your situation. I just completed my ADN in PR and would like to work in Florida. Please reply and let me know what you decided. thanks in advance.
  5. puerto rico to miami fl. nclex!!!!

    There are many schools in Puerto Rico that are highly qualified and 100% english speaking.
  6. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    Of course you will. You will learn all the basic skills to prepare you to be a nurse. Sorry for the late reply, by the way. If you don't mind me asking, what are your plans in regards to finishing your Nursing Degree? Do you plan on just getting t...
  7. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    I spoke to them just prior to me moving to PR in July and they told me the exact opposite. They informed me that as long as my school was part of the US (which PR is considered), and held National Accreditation that I would be just fine. I spoke to a...
  8. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    I arrived on island yesterday. Flight was awesome. Thank God and. Got in my apt. Land Lady is heck of nice!! As a matter of fact she is going to be dropping me to Inter right now. I will post back letting you all know a little more of my experie...
  9. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    That's good, I called Florida Department of Health and they told me all I would have to do is apply to them wait 30 days, send transcripts from PR and apply to Pearson Vue then I would be able to take the exam. They told me that the English proficie...
  10. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    Hi, I live in Florida now as well, Orlando to be specific. I will be attending Inter. What BSN program were you looking into online? How long is the ADN program at UMET? I will be moving to PR mid July. I plan on going back to Orlando myself, bu...
  11. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    LOL. I know what you mean lol. Im in Lake Mary. Which part of Orlando do you live? Will you be doing the ADN or BSN program? Do you have all of your pre reqs?
  12. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    Hey girl. lol. Have you made a trip over When are you planning to move over there? Im still looking for a place. I have to leave my husband and daughter back in Florida for awhile. So I'll be moving by myself . Just to save money for right now ...
  13. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    I have another question. Sorry. LOL. I have like 3 classes done. My 2 English and my Math. How long does it take to complete the ADN program. From start to finish.
  14. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    [iquote=StCroixFutureNurse;5243123]What is the cost per credit? I think its $170.00/credit
  15. Puerto Rico school feedback?

    Are you going back to Inter? Do you have to take like a entrance exam to get into the nursing program? Such as the TEAS or the HELIS???