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All Content by UCAFblue

  1. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I'm sorry to hear that as well jessa951...I know how disappointing it is, but trying again next year will show them you are committed and hopefully you'll get selected!!!
  2. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    That makes me feel a little better...at least there is a chance that if we aren't selected we could have the possibility of being an alternate...
  3. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    Thanks jessa951, I hope you're right!! Does anybody know if they select alternates for NTP like they do with the FQ boards?
  4. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    Congrats Lvelasquez89!!! I've got the same recruiter and haven't heard anything...so I suppose it's not looking real good for me if he's going alphabetically since your last name starts with a letter after mine!!
  5. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I already said congrats on facebook, but congrats again!!! That's SO exciting...I knew you would get selected!!!!
  6. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I'm also hoping it's not true since I'm another one of the applicants that will be graduating in 2013. I also find it a little disheartening that they might only look at those who haven't graduated yet if there aren't enough quality people who have...
  7. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    One other thing to add to what everyone else has said...I contacted my recruiter in December 2011/January of this year (which for me would have been a year and a half before my graduation) because I wanted to have time to work on the paperwork and my...
  8. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    Yeah, I was told the same numbers back then as well, just wasn't sure if anyone had heard if those were really the 'official' numbers...
  9. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    Probably not...At this point I feel I'm too concerned with whether or not I've been selected to worry about asking him any more questions about other things!!
  10. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    Did our recruiter tell you that today?...I haven't heard anything from him...
  11. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I hope it's true because I'm sure it would be positive for us all, but it's hard to know what to believe! Ugh, I'm starting to dislike weekends because I know there's no chance of hearing anything new from my recruiter!!!
  12. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I recently had someone who applied as an officer (not in the medical field though) to the Air Force tell me that recruiters always send a note to the board with an applicant's packet explaining how the recruiter's experience was with the applicant, h...
  13. Package

    You're welcome, and thanks for the good luck wishes!! I hope your new recruiter is better than the other one. I've had a number of different recruiters and some of them are not so great and some are amazing. The ones that are amazing make all the ...
  14. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    No, I put non-volunteer...can't really remember why, but now I kind of wish I had put volunteer. I suppose if I get selected I can change it eventually....
  15. Package

    The NTP is for new grads/active duty only, so you don't have to worry about that since you've been a nurse for seven years and you are applying for the reserve. Nurses (along with other professions like lawyers, doctors, etc) go to COT (Commissioned...
  16. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I put Eglin AFB in FL as my first choice followed by Travis, Lackland, Langley, Nellis, and Keesler. I also included a few overseas choices like Germany, England, Italy, and Hawaii. What about you? Did you put volunteer or non-volunteer for overse...
  17. Package

    Are you applying for active duty or reserve?
  18. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I was thinking that about his promotion too! I think he also told me that he kind of knows the person who is the current program manager and that he can sometimes get them to tell him things, so I definitely think he might know better than most othe...
  19. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I did ask him for the specifics!! Maybe I will try to contact him again next week and ask him what number I am...I don't want to bother him again this week. #15 isn't too bad, at least you aren't #30!
  20. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    LOL!! I've had dreams about it too, and then I wake up and realize it wasn't real and it makes me stress out about it even more!!
  21. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    No, did he tell you? A couple of months ago he told me he calls people alphabetically by last name, and my last name starts with a letter pretty close to the top, so hopefully I'll be one of the first! I sent him an email yesterday and he wouldn't ...
  22. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I'm going to go with the 10th...I'm already going crazy/and am about ready to have a heart attack knowing that there is a week left to wait, so I don't want to think about it being an even longer wait.
  23. USAF 2012 NTP Board

    I agree with AFhopeful in that they are probably too busy to have time to call references and that everything they needed should have been on the 1373s and letters of recommendation already. If you assume there are at least 84 total applicants, and ...
  24. July AF NTP Candidates

    Did you contact him to find that out? I haven't heard anything from him since Monday night...Maybe I will try to send him a quick email today to see if he tells me the same thing.
  25. July AF NTP Candidates

    That is crazy!! Ugh, I wish we knew how many of the 110 people applied for OB and how many applied for med/surg.