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All Content by nurse.sandi

  1. can they say I was terminated?

    I agree. In my state the answer is..all they can say it the dates are correct yes or no. That is it.
  2. can they say I was terminated?

    When I was working on my bachelors and masters, I went to class with many HR managers. They expressed that they only verify dates of employment. It is too risky for a lawsuit. Each person who has this type of question needs to do further research or ...
  3. Would love some feedback on medical packaging

    I always looked for the name of the drug, dosage, and amt. in the vial. As far as packaging goes on needles, sometimes it is hard to open them after you have used your fingers for twelve hours. With the charting on the computer, the fingers are takin...
  4. After Taking The NCLEX...I Passed My 5th Time!

    That is great. Good for you.
  5. Let's think positive today!!

    Fellow nurses and future nurses, It is going to get better. I have faith. I will not accept any less than that. Good things are going to happen for our profession. Let's stay focused and positive. It breaks my heart to know that so many caring peopl...
  6. Let's think positive today!!

    That is great!! Good luck.
  7. You need to contact the Red Cross. Usually, you have to take a natural disaster course. You can not just go work as a RN in other states with your CA license. The only time you can work in more than one state with a license is when you live in a stat...
  8. RN License in Jeopardy?

    Pay attention to the rules and regulations of your facility. Make sure you know the laws in your state for your licensure. Relax. Be thorough.
  9. can they say I was terminated?

    In the U.S. they can only clarify the dates of your employment. So, make sure your dates are correct. I do not know about the UK. You should further research this subject as the laws have changed over the years. Suspended for a documentation error? A...
  10. Missing Daytonite

    Sorry I did not get to read or learn from her. Sorry for your loss.
  11. Let's think positive today!!

    We can learn from everyone we meet in our matter who it is. Thanks for your awesome post.
  12. Let's think positive today!!

    Thank you. I love all those quotes. I have had a hard time and I am trying to stay positive. And as you can see I have a lot to say on many subjects. Thanks for posting. Sandi
  13. Let's think positive today!!

    awww. That is so sweet. Best of luck to you. See this makes me happy. Perky happy lol.
  14. Worst 1st job experience

    Oops. You rocked the boat. Very unsafe practice for both you and your preceptor. She or he is just as responsible as you. I would never leave an orientating nurse by herself unless it was to perform CPR. If you are orientating with me..whatever you d...
  15. Epi Pen makes a good day

    Lucky it did not hit you in the eye. Guess you are not a safety person? Safety comes first. Lucky you did not hurt someone else either. My son carried one for like 15 years and thank goodness we never had to use it. I never shot one that expired. Jus...
  16. Do you remember everything from nursing school?

    Rns do not diagnose either. We provide care. We make care plans. Which nowadays are called pathways and someone sitting in an office somewhere makes them. Remember when caring for a patient we are also caring for thier family.
  17. Do you remember everything from nursing school?

    I remember tons from nursing school. It was an exciting time. I felt like a sponge. I just could not soak up enough knowledge and information. I wanted to do all the dirty jobs...I did not care what it was..if someone wanted help and would teach me, ...
  18. Need help interpreting research statistics...

    You can use pie charts to show percentages.
  19. New RN, already making mistakes

    Why were you chewed out by a speech pathologist? Let me guess...something to do with diet, beverage thickner, or HOB elavation? The speech pathologist has no right to chew a nurse out. That person should quietly pull you aside and educate you. If thi...
  20. Nursing doesnt define you

    I am a woman, mother, daughter, sister, friend, confider, tutor, and doctorate student. Wheh we play so many roles. I am just me!!
  21. Need help interpreting research statistics...

    OK the means are the average. The means are similiar but there is a small difference. The standard deviations are very close. The t value and the p value are what you need to interpret. The t value would be way higher than the alpha if it is set at ....
  22. Need help interpreting research statistics...

    If you know how to work around excel. You could make bar charts. They are simple. If you sent me a pm. I might be able to help you.
  23. Need help interpreting research statistics...

    If you could find an article where it is already interpreted and then cite, if this meets the criteria of your assignment. That may work. I can not imagine why they think someone would know this without the prereqs to this type of assignment.
  24. Need help interpreting research statistics...

    I just finished a 7000 level Quantitative methods and analysis class. We need an alpha level. What is that set up as? Most of the time the alpha is set at .05. With a p=.001, you probably will reject the null hypothesis because .001 is statistically...
  25. New Nurse with Health issue forced to find new job

    NO, you come first in this situation. Yes, patient safety is the most important thing, but you have to take care of you first. NO one will take care of you unless it is you..Good luck. You will find something. Unless a nurse has been badly injured or...