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All Content by kn1234

  1. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    You can register when CCC registers in the spring. Class start around the 24th but nursing 1 starts a week before that (orientation).
  2. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    hi birdigrl! i sent you a message!
  3. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    Hi ladies!I am in olol right now and I love it! KirstenB if you are in fall 2013 you won't hear anything for a while. Good luck girls I hope you enjoy OLOL as much as I have so far!
  4. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    Hi! I dont have much on the new program, just that we have to take world civ before we start.. I am taking that now. We will get a letter when we get our classes and what not. Do you have face book? If so I'll send you a message on here so you can...
  5. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I had to had all my sciences done before I heard a decision... You guys are lucky! Chem was extremely difficult. However I didn't have the best teacher... I took it at gcc. I got a C but at least I passed! Anyone on this thread starting OLOL in the...
  6. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    Congrats! I start in fall 2012... I'm very excited but nervous at the same time!
  7. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I haven't tried to email, but I think she was taking over this week.. I havent needed to contact anyone though.. Maybe try calling.. They might also have special hours due to the summer.
  8. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I think it will be okay... They seem like everyone has it together. I have yet to hear anything negative about the school so I think that is great..
  9. UMDNJ Accelerated Nursing 2010 adivice

    wow, that really helps.. thanks for the info... it helps a lot more to talk to a current student than to talk to an admin person.
  10. UMDNJ Accelerated Nursing 2010 adivice

    Hi Glad2baSN, How far along are you in the program?? Have you had classes/clinicals 5 days a week yet, or has it been mostly 3 days a week?
  11. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    The science was fairly difficult... definitely harder than a normal high school course, but then again its been a while since high school for me too! the reading and math part was easy. I didn't do as great in the last section i think it was vocab...
  12. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    have you taken the teas v yet? i recommend taking the practice test they offer. it is identical to the test you will take... same type of questions and set up. if you get a question wrong the practice test tells you why it is wrong and why the ri...
  13. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    Congrats! I won't know if I am accepted until after this Summer I session. I still have to finish Microbiology, my last pre-req.
  14. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    Oh okay... I would ask then. I'll be done all of my pre-req this summer I.
  15. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    i took A&P I and II and chem together this spring. chem was a regular 15 week course and the A&P classes were 7 week accelerated, so I can only imagine 5 weeks with A&P AND chem. I think that's a good decision to wait for the fall. che...
  16. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I think I retained some, but it was impossible. The teacher I had was more for people who are science majors. I wish my school offered like a more basic chemistry course for people that just need to know the basics. Nice guy, but his class was ext...
  17. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I hated chem!
  18. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I know that it's harder if you only have an RN. I plan on going to get my BSN. After talking to the admissions people there it sounds like they employ their students first, so we'll see. But like I said I'm going to go the BSN route after I get my...
  19. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    My grades are As and Bs, and a C in Chem (blah). I talked to other people in my micro class and they did bad in chem too (Cs as well). I had my first micro class yesterday... the teacher is awesome! It's really face paced though... like 9 classes...
  20. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I dropped off my transcripts today.. I have microbiology this summer so I will be done my sciences then, I am hoping that is enough to get in. I am glad to hear from someone in the program. It's one thing to talk to people that work at the school...
  21. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I don't know about you, but I wouldn't do two sciences in one semester... it was a killer. Plus one of them was accelerated. Learned my lesson! :)
  22. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I heard micro isn't too bad???? we'll see.. I start next monday! I heard the teacher is really cool. I go to GCC though, I'm not sure how it is at CCC.. I would think it would be harder at Rutgers. I just got my final grades... A- in A&P II a...
  23. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I took accelerated A&P I and II... they were each 7 week courses. If your teacher was anything like mine you should do okay. We had class two times a week with just labs, and the lectures were "camtasias"... basically powerpoints with her lectu...
  24. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    I just made the Fall 2012 deadline to apply, but I'm not even sure when all the classes need to be completed. Yah I just want to worry about getting in right now! lol. I rather do something online, just easier and a little more flexible, but we will...
  25. Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)

    yeah it is really stressful.. i did pretty good on my TEAS.. I got a 76, but I am really worried about chem! I am probably going to end up with a C. I really struggled with that class... I did really well in AP I and II so we will see what happen...