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  1. LSU BSN

    Oh and this page is for traditional BSN. The Care Program has its own page! :)
  2. LSU BSN

    Hey everyone, I just created a facebook page for all of the new nursing students entering LSUHSC School of Nursing in August. The group is called LSUHSC School of Nursing - Class of 2014. I can't wait til August :)
  3. LSU BSN

    I applied for the traditional program. If you do not get a letter today don't worry!!! If you look at the USPS they said that in some areas it can take up 7-10 days for mail to reach you. They are just really slow and short handed right now!! Stay op...
  4. LSU BSN

    I live in kenner so i'm pretty close to LSUHSC (Close enough that I actually work here everyday). I know someone who lives on the west bank who got their letter today also!!! I got my letter mailed to my house address.
  5. LSU BSN

    dont worryyy! i'm sure you'll be fine i wasnt done with micro, sociology, and 1 humanity and I GOT IN :)
  6. LSU BSN

    I JUST GOT MY LETTER!!! I'm going to be an LSU TIGER :) (I got in and I am not done with Micro, Sociology, and 1 humanity. So dont worry too much if you are not done. I think the rumor about if you are not done micro then you will not get in is over ...