Double-Helix BSN, RN

PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU

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All Content by Double-Helix

  1. Double-Helix

    Pathophysiology of Appendicitis

    Let me google that for you:
  2. Double-Helix

    Mom guilt

    Just an FYI, mom guilt never stops. Now it's school. Then it will be your job. Then it will be another child. Then it will be your graduate program. Then your new job. Et cetera, et cetera. You're a good mommy. You're concerned about doing what is ...
  3. Double-Helix

    Pediatric Rotation Exam Question

    The only question that directly addresses the subjective information provided is option A. The other questions are either irrelevant (B) or the answers don't provide helpful information. A favorite toy or blanket is developmentally appropriate for a...
  4. Double-Helix

    Did you leave bedside nursing?

    I still work in a hospital, but took a role in patient safety and quality improvement. Though I still do clinical care occasionally, I'm primarily away from the bedside, and yes, there are times that I miss it and feel like I may be losing my clinica...
  5. Double-Helix


    You mentioned that the purpose of checking O2 saturation would be to assess the effectiveness of the oxygen. However, in hospice, where the goal is comfort, your patient's symptoms are the best way to assess the effectiveness. Checking a sat really i...
  6. Double-Helix

    Its 5 months and still no update on NCLEX Results

    Also you say you don't "want quick results" but it is a cheap and inexpensive way to find out if you passed or failed. I'm not sure why you wouldn't go that route after this much time.
  7. Double-Helix

    Its 5 months and still no update on NCLEX Results

    Several things could have happened: 1. You failed the NCLEX and your results letter was misplaced in the mail. 2. You passed the NCLEX and your results were not sent to the New Mexico BON. 3. You passed the NCLEX and the BON received your results b...
  8. Double-Helix

    On call

    I think you need to carefully read through HR policies and reach out to HR directly. I'm not certain that your employer is allowed to manipulate your hours in this way. If you are on call, you need to be given on call pay, at the very least. It also ...
  9. Double-Helix

    Third time taking Nclex

    It is neither good nor bad. It simply means that after 85 questions the program had enough information to decide that you were above or below the passing mark. If you feel confident that you correctly answered the majority of the questions, than that...
  10. Double-Helix

    Confused about interview

    Are you a certified nursing assistant or eligible to become certified based on your years of school? If so, you can apply for CNA positions. If you haven't already, you'll likely need to apply to your state BON for certification. Keep the interview...
  11. Double-Helix

    Starting my job search!

    Any inpatient floor is acute care. Even ICUs are technically "acute" but they are typically referred to as critical care. Acute refers to any condition with a sudden onset that we expect to resolve or improve with appropriate treatment. Chronic condi...
  12. Double-Helix

    Starting my job search!

    It really depends on how the residency is structured. They may require that all applicants interview with a variety of areas. Or they may all start with the med-surg interview and weed candidates out before deciding what specialty area they will inte...
  13. Double-Helix

    Summer job resume/cover letter help

    In my state, after completion of the 2nd year of nursing school we didn't have to take the CNA certification exam, but we did have to submit an application to the state for a back ground check and we were granted certification based on proof of compl...
  14. Double-Helix

    Simulation Woes and Anxiety Nursing Student

    I'm curious what discussions you have had with your simulation instructors or your nursing advisor about these issues? And what response did you receive?
  15. Double-Helix

    Lead Cleaning Policy?

    I have reached out to them. They recommend cleaning with warm water and mild detergent as needed. However, I highly doubt a PRN cleaning policy would fly with The Joint Commission, especially considering the frequency with which we care for patients ...
  16. Double-Helix

    Lead Cleaning Policy?

    My institution recently recognized that we don't have a standardized policy for cleaning personal lead and we'd like to develop a policy. I can't find anything in Joint Commission or CMS standards about it, so I'm looking to benchmark with other plac...
  17. Double-Helix


    It's the standard, according to many nurses who work in LTC. Is it reasonable? That would depend on how much support staff you have and what your responsibilities are. Since many LTCs have CNAs to complete the ADLs and Med Techs to give the majority ...
  18. Double-Helix

    B12 Injections for my friend

    Yes, you can give it to her as a friend. Home injections are given by people who aren't healthcare professionals, and health care professionals provide care for friends and family members outside of their place of work regularly. There is nothing wro...
  19. Double-Helix

    Spread Sheets, not bed sheets!

    IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) Open School has some great modules. Some are free, some are not. If you work in a hospital they may already have a log-in you can use, or have the resources to purchase one.
  20. Double-Helix

    Quality Improvement Specialist (Nurse)

    I don't see how it could be a conflict of interest for you to reassign patients from one provider to another since you don't receive any benefits related to which provider the patients see. And if the providers are equally qualified there likely isn'...
  21. Double-Helix

    Visitors never wear gowns, gloves

    The only routine isolation that visitors are required to follow (excepting TB, radiation precautions, ebola, other extremely high level isolations) are that they wear a mask if they have respiratory symptoms. Otherwise they are not required to wear g...
  22. Double-Helix

    Post-operative gas pains

    What are the best ways to relieve post-operative gas pains from laparoscopic surgeries and open abdominal surgeries? Some of our kiddos even complain of pain in the neck/shoulders where the gas has escaped. The physiology behind this still confuses m...
  23. Double-Helix

    G-Tube residual checks

    I agree with the above posters- pause the feeding, check residual, return the aspirated contents, and restart the feed (if the residual is within normal limits). Assuming that you have a consistent rate of gastric emptying, your residual should be co...
  24. Double-Helix

    Foley Catheter Pull-Back

    You're correct. Our policies instruct us to gently pull back on the catheter after inflating the balloon until slight resistance is met.
  25. Double-Helix

    Schedule changes

    It is not normal in my experience. The dates and times of my classes and clinical rotations were set the previous semester so that students could register for the classes that worked best for their schedules. But this was a 4 year university program,...