Double-Helix BSN, RN

PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU

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All Content by Double-Helix

  1. Double-Helix

    Debating between ER and L&D for my consolidation

    L&D is a very narrow speciality. You'll still see patients with a variety of PMH, but ED will give you experience with a much broader range of patient populations and medical complaints.
  2. Double-Helix

    speed screen interview tips?

    Is this in person or via video conference? Is it for a school or a job? Regardless, you have a very limited time to make a good impression, so be prepared. Dress professionally, even if you won't be meeting the interviewer in person. Repeat their n...
  3. Double-Helix

    Minimum ICU experience

    Most reputable CRNA programs have a waiting list. So even if you apply after 1 year of experience, you'll likely have at least another year to work before your program would start. Take a look at the websites of the programs that interest you. Many n...
  4. Double-Helix

    EPIC Charting

    I've used Epic for years, but the problem is that it is extremely customizable. The Epic interface that my hospital uses may look nothing like where you are documenting. Are you primarily using flowsheets? Have they built the peri-op areas their own ...
  5. It's really dependent on the individual and how severely SNS response is impaired. The ability to compensate may be decreased, but could still be present. So the length of the compensatory phase, if there is one, would vary based on the degree to whi...
  6. Double-Helix

    Foundations Lab Questions

    I think we were had one "test day" and one remediation day if needed. I'm pretty sure no one failed the lab in my semester because the skills were all things like bed baths, vital signs, feeding someone, etc. Plenty of people failed the lecture porti...
  7. You're correct, the don't compensate well with neurogenic shock. Lack of sympathetic tone prevents tachycardia (the primary compensatory mechanism in kids) so you'll see hypotension and bradycardia rather than normal BP and tachycardia. It's also why...
  8. Double-Helix

    Nursing Thesis Topics

    Check out some Public Health Nursing journal articles or the Journal of Community Health Nursing. You might find some topics that interest you and find some peer-reviewed sources for your paper.
  9. I have only one thing to add to adventure_rn's informative and detailed post: You don't get to practice as an anesthesiologist after medical school. You'd then need to complete an additional 4 years of residency before you could become board-certifie...
  10. Double-Helix

    Older Student, Unprofessional Nurse During Clinical

    Your responses come across as very defensive. You asked if this type of behavior is the norm. You asked if you were correct in reporting her to your clinical instructor or if you should have said something to the nurse directly. You alluded that you ...
  11. Double-Helix

    Older Student, Unprofessional Nurse During Clinical

    The behavior you describe is definitely unprofessional. Is it the norm? No. But healthcare providers do judge their patients (and other healthcare professionals- as Lemon said) and verbalize those judgments- although perhaps not in such a vulgar mann...
  12. Double-Helix

    Pvt trick

    You cannot use an invalid card when attempting the PVT.
  13. Double-Helix

    NCLEX PN- 25 experimental questions

    Experimental/beta questions are distributed throughout the test. It would be impossible to prove validity if they were administered after test completion and the test taker was aware that they were not scored questions. I'm not exactly sure what your...
  14. Double-Helix

    Amputation Question

    I've got a lot of Peeps left over from Easter!
  15. Double-Helix

    Need opinions/advice

    Your post covers a wide range of both personal and professional concerns. The root of these "mistakes" you describe seems to be rushing and distractions. Grabbing the glucometer docking station and putting on the blood pressure cuff the wrong way are...
  16. Double-Helix

    Medical Assistant vent

    You'll learn that a feeling of inferiority is extremely common in any profession- but particularly in healthcare. Medical assistants and CNAs feel undervalued by nurses. LPNs feel inferior to RNs. Nurses feel undervalued by physicians. Floor nurse fe...
  17. Sometimes it's just the luck of the draw that those two students happened to have multiple patients that needed an IV. I would definitely mention to your instructor that you're looking to gain experience with IVs and ask if you can be brought in if ...
  18. Double-Helix

    Found a Knife, Scared

    You are in a hostile work environment. Unless management and police can prove who put the knife in your locker (which is unlikely unless there are cameras inside the locker room) these co-workers are unlikely to face any consequences. Your safest opt...
  19. Double-Helix

    Advise for Nursing Student with tremors!

    A medical condition like this would be considered a disability. If you want your instructors to consider your disability when evaluating your practice, you need to disclose this per the ADA. You also need to consider whether your tremors are an inco...
  20. Double-Helix

    Concerned new nurse

    It's a med error, and they happen. What is most important is how you handled it when you realized it. The correct thing to do would be to amend the documentation to reflect that the med was not given and waste the pill according to your facility's po...
  21. Double-Helix

    How to tell managers that you are interested?

    Don't hint. Ask. "I truly appreciate the opportunity to do my preceptorship on this unit. I've learned so much and had a great experience with the nurses, especially (preceptors names). I'd love to join your staff after I graduate. Could you tell me...
  22. Double-Helix

    Amputation Question

    It doesn't matter. You can use pillows, towels, foam cushions, or bags of marshmallows. NCLEX isn't going to ask you that level of detail.
  23. Double-Helix

    New name for nursing career?

    Plenty of people I work with go by a shortened version of their name, a middle name, or a nick name while at work. It's particularly common with people who have long names or names that are more popular in other languages, but even co-workers names a...
  24. Double-Helix

    Amputation Question

    Elevate so that the limb is above the heart. This promotes venous return and will decrease swelling and edema. But do so while taking care to keep the residual limb in alignment with the hip, thus reducing risk of contracture. This may require slight...
  25. Double-Helix

    Need Help on Care plan for post CVA

    It seems to me that your patient may have more pressing issues than her anxiety. You mentioned difficulty swallowing. What does dysphagia put her at risk for while she is trying to eat and drink? What interventions are required to ensure that she ca...