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All Content by caregiver1977

  1. May I give a compliment?

    This hospital is the main hospital in my area for about a 40 mile radius (only ER as well). I have been going to this hospital for about 10 years now. I have had some negative experiences at times with this hospital, but this time was good. I thin...
  2. The Mockery of Nursing

    Wait, does this mean I can't start my "I Have An Afro Can I Still Be A Nurse" thread? (I do have an afro in real life). What? How insensitive!! You people must be the "Nurses Who Eat Their Young."
  3. OB Nurse's View on Natural Childbirth

    Care to elaborate?
  4. permission to poop granted!

    A little off the subject, but I always thought it was ignorant for a teacher to complain to a student about teacher pay. What can the student do about it? How is it the student's fault what teachers get paid? I thought that when I was a student, a...
  5. permission to poop granted!

    Oh, and sometimes children are bullied in the restrooms, which causes them to hold it.
  6. permission to poop granted!

    Flare, I can't understand why YOU have to tell these students this. Why isn't the teacher suggesting this? It certainly doesn't take an advanced nursing degree to know that the child may need to poop (or does it, nowadays?). I work in a classroom a...
  7. OB Nurse's View on Natural Childbirth

    As it has been said, if you want a natural childbirth, this is something that needs to be discussed with your provider BEFORE labor. Make sure you clarify what you mean by "natural" to them. At my local hospital, where I delivered all 5 of my childr...
  8. Are enemas making a comeback?

    My friends often ask my advice when they are pregnant because I have had 5 children. They know they are only getting my opinion, or can only share my personal experience. Anything more, they need to clear it with their healthcare provider. I was re...
  9. Medicaid-How long does it take?

    I worked with my local Medicaid office (I live in central, Mississippi). The Medicaid workers told me that it can take up to 30 business days from the time the application was submitted.
  10. Are enemas making a comeback?

    I understand them for early, early labor to get labor started (an enema beats pitocin or a c-section ANY DAY, in my book), but I have heard to many stories of an enema being given to a woman already in active labor and those "enema contents" ending u...
  11. Needing advice...

    I don't understand why you had to stand there and take being verbally abused. I understand people being upset (and believe me, some parents do have every right to be upset with the school) but people getting upset to the point you are talking about ...
  12. How do you deal with explosive customers?

    Yes, but...who really wants bees (unless you are a gardener)...? HA HA!
  13. How do you deal with explosive customers?

    When I first read the title I was confused whether or not this thread was about explosions from the mouth or the "other end." Maybe some of these people are in foul moods and giving you all trouble because the are exploding from the "other end." I ...
  14. OB/L&D nurses, some input, please...

    I think you did the right thing, and should return if you have any other problems. I'd bet apples to oranges if you were to stay home when you should have gone to the ER, those same nurses would be fussing at you for NOT coming in.
  15. Madame, your ignorance is astounding

    What's worse, if you can imagine, is that some healthcare workers make snarky comments to the embarrassed patient about the mess they are in. Yeah, that really helps the situation (NOT!).
  16. c/s with ONLY local

    I can only imagine the kind of debriefing these patients needed. WHAT A NIGHTMARE!! Fear of c/s is one of the reasons why I refuse to have another child. I am approaching 35 and have past pre enclampsia issues, so I am too afraid I would be "force...
  17. Satisfaction from wiping POO? GASP!

    I can tell you from personal experience that when a patient has something embarrassing happen to them in the hospital (like a bowel or wetting accident), and they are not treated with dignity, it stays with them for a long time, if not for the rest o...
  18. Seven-year-old girl dies of peanut allergy at school...

    I would like to correct something, because I don't want to misrepresent myself on this forum. At the moment I am a substitute teaching assistant. Very soon I will be a teaching assistant at a public elementary school in my district that specializes...
  19. I got this from I am a substitute teacher and I have 3 children in public school. This is why I would not send my child to a regular school if they had serious/fatal food allergies. Schools cannot function as hospitals. Schools can...
  20. Baffled

    Sometimes it really isn't the fault of an overbearing female. Sometimes it is a male who does not want to take responsibility for ANYTHING so when ANYTHING goes wrong he can blame someone else. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, mug, postcard,...
  21. What Job Opportunities are available for LPNs?

    In my school district (located in cental Mississippi) there is a public school that specializes in educating special needs/health fragile children. Most of the children there are healthy, but many there are seriously autistic, have spinal cord injur...
  22. Seven-year-old girl dies of peanut allergy at school...

    Good for you nurses for speaking up! Not only are the teachers or anyone else in the schools not going to be on board with taking the responsibility, they really can't if they wanted to. If the teachers in your district are anything like the ones I...
  23. A Time You Made a Patient Smile?

    This is a great thread.
  24. For the CNA that does not want LTC...

    Sometimes I see threads on here that ask where a CNA can work other than a LTC. I work with my local school district, and just recently found out that one of the public schools in my area is geared towards students that have special health needs (m...
  25. Seven-year-old girl dies of peanut allergy at school...

    If I could give the above post a thousand "likes" I would.