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All Content by db2xs

  1. Where to look for jobs in Bay Area

    What about Sonoma County?
  2. Where to look for jobs in Bay Area

    Hi. How far away are you looking at? South Bay? North Bay? The farther away from the city you are, I imagine the chances are better.
  3. Considering NP - looking for honest feedback

    Hi @Brittany Garraty. Making the decision to change a career is a big one, so I think it's good you're asking questions. To answer your questions: There are things I like about my job and there are things I don't like--just like any other job I've ha...
  4. Do you have your own malpractice insurance?

    Re malpractice insurance, could anyone recommend a company other than NSO? I was going to check out Berxi but found out today they don't cover APRNs in California. Thanks.
  5. No Jobs For New Grads Despite RN Time?!

    @kdawnz I can totally imagine how frustrated you feel: You spent so much time, money, and effort to become an NP and it's been so difficult to find a job in an area that you want to settle down in. I was wondering if you have considered a residency/f...
  6. CA NPs. have you seen bill text for AB890?

    Since there is no Spanish translation for NP, I usually introduce myself as the "practicante de salud" which isn't great either, but I feel that using "enfermero medico" is confusing or misleading. I read a suggestion that we should introduce ourselv...
  7. Another Quitter

    OP, I would like to say that what you decided makes a lot of sense. You want to protect your family and loved ones first, which is totally reasonable and what matters the most at the end of the day. Hearing this, I wonder if you might think about rel...
  8. On line NP or On-campus Np? (MA)

    I attended a reputable school's online option and only had to travel once a year to the campus. Keep in mind that it's more often the norm that schools do not find clinical preceptors for you, whether that's on-campus or online school.
  9. Need Advice Getting Into Competitive NP School

    Hi there and welcome to your journey to NP school. While I'm not on any admissions boards, one suggestion I have is just calling up a school and asking straight up what you could do to make yourself a more palatable candidate. Otherwise, my guess is ...
  10. OCN vs ONS certification

    ONS is the professional group, Oncology Nurses Society. OCN is the certification. I can only think of benefits of being certified, such as preferential for hiring and if your employer is decent, they will give you a bonus for being certified, especia...

    Hi. If you are a member of AANP, then the grand majority of the CEs are free, which includes pharmacology CEs
  12. I am an NP and have been a member of several professional organizations throughout my career, most of which have been specialty organizations and one of in which at the moment I hold a Board Member position. The biggest advantage for me is discounts ...
  13. Help! Advanced patho is kicking my you know what!

    I hear your frustration! For Advanced Patho, I got a study buddy, which really helped. Someone could ask me in real time open-ended questions and I had to actually think about them, which is a lot different than reading multiple choice answers. Are ...
  14. How many applications did you complete?

    When I applied to NP school, I applied to only one ... and I got in. That was a real risk I took but it was really the only program I wanted to get into and was willing to wait and try again if I didn't get in. Good luck!
  15. If I recall correctly, as long as I took a public health/community health class in my BSN program, I was able to apply for the PHN certification. I don't remember any special program requirements but perhaps things have changed
  16. Southern California NP schools

    Congratulations. I live and work in California but attended a distance program for the schedule flexibility (there's nothing like "attending class" at 0400 before going to work, sitting in my underpants) and time factor (those of us who live/lived in...
  17. Is it inappropriate to reach out to the CEO?

    I would say it depends on the size of the company, how much of a say the CEO has in hiring, and if you already have an interview set up. If it is a tiny company and the CEO is really involved in all the aspects, I would put aside the "Oh, they may be...
  18. NP salary California's Central Coast

    I live in the Bay Area and yes, I know for a fact that there are RNs here making a lot more than NPs but NPs here settling for less than 100k? Like I said before, that is scandalous and ticks me off that MDs and administrators are treating us like se...
  19. What was your Orientation like?

    One day
  20. In NP school we read only books meant for NPs but I took it upon myself to read some medical textbooks provided to me by an MD friend of mine. I refer 90% of the time to the MD books if I want to clarify information. They may be more dense but that's...
  21. NP salary California's Central Coast

    You have colleagues in the SF Bay Area working for under $100k in primary care? Not only have they have really short-changed themselves, but they are perpetuating the idea to physicians and administrators that NPs are not valuable. That is scandalous...
  22. California NP License processing time

    I would agree with some of what @FullGlass says and not some of what she says. Yes, you can't apply for a California NP license until you graduate and pass boards. I graduated in May, took and pass the boards in June, and was granted my license in No...
  23. Hi there. I have been a HPNA member for eight years and currently serve on the Executive Board of my local chapter. I am an NP. I am not going. Have fun! There may have been a discussion board but I was always a member of various SIG boards. Maybe...
  24. California NP License processing time

    12-14 weeks is great! It took me five months but I finished school in May and since you finished school in December, I think that the BRN will be less inundated.
  25. ACHPN exam?

    @time2go I ended up buying the books and am currently studying