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All Content by db2xs

  1. Is it worth it to be an NP?

    @Polly Peptide I'm going to send you a private message
  2. Psychedelic Nursing

    I didn't realize that there was a Psychedelic Nursing section--this is great. @Mywords1 I hear your concern about bad experiences on entheogens and it makes sense. There is a lot of crap medicine out there and people don't have someone trained to gu...
  3. RN experience before WHNP Career

    Looks like I misread your question. I thought you meant you've already worked in L&D but that was two years ago. From a practical point of view, once you graduate it would be better to look for an NP job, not an RN job, L&D experience or not.
  4. RN experience before WHNP Career

    While I am not a WHNP, I would imagine that a prospective employer for a first job would appreciate any experience you have in anything women-related.
  5. NP Job Offer in NYC

    That does sound odd. Is there someone else you can speak to from the company, not the attorney?
  6. Prescription "cookbooks?"

    I use Lexicomp religiously and pay the monthly fee. I think it is totally worth it, especially after listening to a medical podcast of app recommendations. A physician said that it would hold up better in a court of law than epocrates if something ad...
  7. CA New Grad NP with questions about licensing

    Hello, congratulations! Here is what I can answer regarding your questions: 1. Can I apply for a DEA without a job? As thinblueline said, you need a work address for your DEA so you'll have to wait. 2. If I can apply for my DEA without a job; what ad...
  8. NP: Age limit?

    Not about me but I have a new coworker NP who is in her 60s and has been an NP for five years. You can do the math to figure out that no, you are not too old at 50, 55 ?
  9. Nursing school out of California

    @megmeg I would suggest you ask admissions directly.
  10. Hello. Do any ACHPNs have a used core curriculum they'd like to sell? I'd be happy to buy it off of you. Please let me know, thanks
  11. Alphabet Soup of a Title

    The ANCC recommends that we all list the degree, licensure, state designation/requirement, national certification, awards and honors, etc., (in that order) after our names. That's probably why people do it. I also imagine it is because people are pro...
  12. Need NP preceptor

    I just recently read about the Sawyer Initiative. From what I understand, starting from last year the CCNE requires all NPs programs to provide clinical preceptor placement. If your school doesn't help you out, I suggest you reach out to the CCNE and...
  13. ADN vs ABSN vs DEMSN?

    I'm a second-career changer. I currently work as an NP. When I decided to change careers, I knew I wanted to be an NP and so did several informational interviews and shadowed some NPs. They all advised I first get my BSN and work as an RN. There is m...
  14. How can I stand out as a candidate for a NP residency?

    I did not go into a residency program but I imagine being bilingual would be a huge plus. And maybe having an active role in a professional organization. I never really understand these admission/acceptance criteria and who gets in and who doesn't. ...
  15. NP school, did you pull a loan or paid in cash?

    WOW!, that's a bargain. I graduated two years ago and one credit was just shy of $1,000 when I started, which has obviously gone up by now.
  16. Jobs Before/During Nursing School

    I too suggest getting your CNA.
  17. I have not stopped seeing patients throughout this whole situation, but no COVID-positive patients so far. Last week I made my first "social" visit with a friend for the first time in two months. We both wore masks and sat probably 10 feet away from ...
  18. Johns Hopkins vs Seton Hall

    I'm a little late on this train and I know you've probably made up your mind about where to go, and but if you don't mind, I'm going to say this: 1) Congratulations for getting into Hopkins! and 2) go to Hopkins, there's no contest there. It's the #1...
  19. NP school, did you pull a loan or paid in cash?

    I worked my tail off during school and paid cash/out of pocket. I had zero life for three years but it was so worth it knowing I wouldn't have years of indentured servitude for years on end. I would imagine most NP jobs would not pay off your tuitio...
  20. The OP has not responded to anyone's comments. I feel curious if they plan to.
  21. Canadian new grad RN moving to California?

    Hi there. Can we trade places? I like Canada ? I would suggest you contact the California Board of Registered Nurses re the NCLEX and all of that. Good luck!
  22. On line NP or On-campus Np? (MA)

    I'm unsure of where you live but it is the norm in California. While I opted to do an out-of-state distance program, I have many colleagues who went to school locally and still had to find their own preceptors. There are some local healthcare organiz...
  23. On line NP or On-campus Np? (MA)

    I agree with you that this norm is not acceptable but it is what a lot of us have to face. I ask you this in all earnestness: if you have any good ideas on how to sway the schools otherwise, what would they be? I have no qualms with getting in touch ...
  24. Do you have your own malpractice insurance?

    No! I will check it out. Thank you!
  25. Where to look for jobs in Bay Area

    If OP is willing to drive to Sac from the East Bay, Sonoma County will be nothing. I'm unsure what is going on with hiring during this pandemic but for sure if someone has ICU/ED experience, that would work out. If someone is willing to go to anothe...