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All Content by grpman

  1. Need some direction on this problems:

    You may want to set this up as a ratio just so it is visually easy to see...but since the supply is a ratio of 1 unit to 1 mL (250units/250mL) you may just do it in your head. Since I know the ratio is 1 to 1...I know that 15mL is needed for 15 units...
  2. nursing student opinions .. need a pick me up!

    You are right. You will never retain all that info. I think the instructors could only make high B's if they took a test on the same subject they teach from another Just know there are thousands just like you who are also studying, s...
  3. Don't make a rash decision while you're emotional. They tend to never be the right one. So, suck it up, go to clinical, and act like you've done it before (no pun intended).
  4. Nausea on the job?? Please help!

    The difference between you and a seasoned nurse is probably just a few thousand needle sticks away. For now, just make it through the next one and it will get easier. The first time my wife called me something terrible, I was bothered for a week. ...
  5. The pre-req's are much easier and there are a few reasons why. First your nursing classes will cover twice as much material in the same amount of time. If you are disciplined then this might not matter, but for most it does. Secondly, say good bye...
  6. Can't get into Nursing school advice anyone?

    I think you need to find out exactly what the schools you want to get into require for entrance. Some schools weigh the sciences heavy and will look past a lower gpa in other areas. Where I go, your overall gpa is weighed, your prereq sciences (mic...
  7. Male nurse working with female patients.

    I haven't had any problems with older women. In fact, it has been quite the opposite. I might would go so far as to say I'd prefer older females to any group of people in nursing. I'm curious if I'm in the majority or minority...let me know.
  8. I'm with noahsmama on this, it's starting to look like an addiction. You had a traumatic experience and eventually video games filled the void and took over your life. You also said you are now behind and this is only with the prereq's (they don't ...
  9. We didn't all come from the womb being assertive, jack-a..'es like her. It took her time to develop her art of being confrontational and it will take you a bit of time to develop your confidence. I agree with earlier posts that you simply look her ...
  10. I too had all A's on GPA was about 3.3 or there abouts due to 15 year old classes at U of M, and I had a higher NLN. So I made it in with a much lower GPA than you. I gave no letter's of recomendation due to it having no effect on th...
  11. ADN=RN

    It seems you have made your decision. And it seems like your decision is to pursue a BSN via an ADN start. Sounds good. You will make money faster than those who went straight through while saving money and will end with a similar education. So i...
  12. I think it is good to remember that the overall economy is down so we can't always compare a job now with what it was in the past to determine its worth. Sure, it may not be as easy to get a job now as it was, but we should compare the job availabil...
  13. Do YOU enjoy nursing school?

    I don't like nursing school at all. I do, however, like to sit and watch football on the couch with a bag of lay's potato chips. So, nursing school sometimes interferes with that. I will say that it is not nearly as hard as I've heard many people...
  14. ADN=RN

    If you do get an ADN and all the doomsday critics are right and you can't get hired, then do a bridge to the BSN online or at a university. It can't harm you and you will probably be making money sooner and paying less for school. I do think that t...
  15. clinicals, nursing thru the day

    Wow, this thread helped me too. Thanks for the posts. This is the first time I've copied and pasted on Allnurses. Kudos to all.
  16. 2year RN vs BSN

    Where I live there is only one hospital that is going for magnet status and is now, for the most part, hiring bsn's only. However, all the others are taking ADN's. I question if some of the ADN's that are quoted as not getting hired are simply looki...
  17. Remember, as has been said already, wages change as you move across the nation and usually the cost of living averages out highs and lows. 30 bucks in Tn isn't the same as 30 in Cali. I do however think it is sad that so many RN's and RN hopefuls a...
  18. To future, current, and past nurses!

    I like the mental aspects of the career along with the ability to move horizontally and upwardly in the profession. Job security also drove me this way in no small part to a bad economy. Also, I've always liked the medical field but couldn't devote...
  19. Well, if anyone stills checks this....Hooray! One semester down. Then I think to myself....oh no....3 more to go.
  20. "Bottom line was, among other things, she did not like that I spoke up for myself when she accused me of doing something wrong or, more rightly put, she wrongly accused me of doing something I didn't do." I'm sorry about what happened. Money and tim...
  21. white scrub tops and males

    Don't let the white top bother you, but do remember to take off your nipple rings. They might show through.
  22. Womens interest in male nurses

    Just bounce your pecs twice after you tell them you're a nurse and all will be fine.
  23. Thanks for the heads up Memphish.
  24. I was looking over my notes from orientation and saw that we needed to read the handbook, fill out page 56 and beyond, and take a quiz on it the first day of classes. However, I didn't write down where to find this handbook. Someone let me know how...
  25. A "chick's" perspective on Men in Nursing

    As a man I don't know why anyone would think that more men equals more money. Maybe men enter careers where there is more money in the first place. Correlation doesn't always mean causation b/c there is no link to me being a man and money appearing...