

surgical oncology

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About vineyard

vineyard specializes in surgical oncology.


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  1. I Passed Nclex-RN!! Advice for test takers

    congratulations to all who passed the NCLEX!!!! I do have 1 question,which material is better? i am still on the process of applying for nclex and wanted to do self study first while waiting. Huh!!!!!i'll be takin this for the 2nd time around and i ...
  2. My instructor said, Mr. Fernando...And I said who was that again ma'am? She repeated it, Mr. Fernando. The only thing I said to my instructor was "thank you so much and remember with a crocodile smile..." The moment I looked at the patient's chart, I...
  3. Who want to share Kaplan Qbank with me?

    which one is really very useful for the nclex?is it kaplan or saunders???planning to take an exam months from now and i've been reading saunders.:)
  4. you're given me a lil bit of ideas,hehhe!:) planning o such areas at me!thanks for that info coz it helps a lot!:) God bless!
  5. Would You Pray if your Patient asked?

    if i am on the situation,then it would be so great then praying for someone..praying for somebody who would ask you to do so is a great privilege.. we have to consider that praying could help the patient ease the pain that they are suffering
  6. New Grads: Where to start your career?

    it think its not that you really have to wet your feet on med surg but atleast we have the background and that we have enough knowledge about it since it is helpful during a patient surg is basically hard but i think knowing this in...
  7. New Grads: Where to start your career?

    hello there, HOw are you and your family doing?hope and pray that all is well with you there.I was able to read your postings and love reading every postings....Im a 3rd year nursing student from one of the universities here in the Philippines.I am s...
  8. I'm A Nurse....

    that was a great poem!!!! -great but sad though... yes you are right that people do think that nurses have anything and everything but the opposite are playing all the way round... its sad to know bout what you feel bout your poem and i can understan...
  9. Feeling discouraged...

    hi!dont worry,you can do it!:) just keep on going!:)fight the good fight of faith!God Bless!:) elvie
  10. Would You Pray if your Patient asked?

    hello there!:) if you are goin to ask me,then i would answer ya a 100% yes answer!this is simply because its always been a privilege [raying for other people especially to those people who needed such...we,human beings cuold basically seldom hear oth...