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About MeganDM

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  1. Worried about my nursing supplies!?

    I would get your steth engraved for sure, other then that you are good. Now if you are one of those goody goody types that like to rub it in everyone's face with how awesome your goodies are, I would say check that at the door. Instructors HATE THAT!...
  2. Nursing Kits???

    I got an MDF Instruments Stethoscope (59.95), it has got free parts for life and a lifetime warranty. Came with all sorts of replacement parts and the best part is it's half the price of a Littman. I listened to both steths in the shop and actually h...
  3. Feeling overwhelmed with gratitude

    Thank the good Lord for everything, he has blessed you immensely through the generosity of other people! Your faith in HIM should be restored!
  4. Ways to Stay Energized

    Please I really need some advice here. I am going into Level 1 in a few weeks and am suffering from chronic anemia. My iron level is a 6 but with no insurance I cannot afford the I.V. therapy the Doctor wants me to have. I am on 3 iron pills a day an...
  5. What are you going to miss the most...

    I'm gonna miss couponing!!!!! I am one of those ladies that drives you NUTS at Walmart! I'm gonna miss having extra hours to clip and save and plan a decent menu for my kids and me. Sounds crazy but that is what I will miss most of all.
  6. Nursing Student using food stamps

    You have to learn to coupon! I do it to make mine stretch. I have 2 kids, 14 and 7 months and We live off of 800 a month total right now. My car is paid for so I only have rent/lights and gas to school. I know it's a struggle and I know there are day...
  7. Nursing Shoes??

    I have been researching these shoes and my mom has talked to several waitresses who swear by them. Do any of you know about them or have you tried them personally? Z-CoiL® Pain Relief Footwear®
  8. Who's getting EXCITED!!??

    LOL!! I totally feel your pain! I'm 35 and raising 2 kids on my own and am beyond broke! In the end though it will be worth it!:w00t:
  9. Who's getting EXCITED!!??

    I, like a lot of you, am still getting the final touches on everything. I am past the point of being excited. For me that was the day I got my acceptance letter!!!! ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Best present ever!!!!!!! Now I am more goal driven, vaccines, C...
  10. Things You Need To Know To Be A Nurse...

    OMG okay this scares me. I'm going into the nursing program this fall.
  11. I'm 34 and just finished all my pre-req's to apply this coming fall. If you have a dream don't give up on it no matter what, keep pushing forward!! Good Luck to YOU!!
  12. Dealing With Child Abuse

    I didn't mean knowing their history, I'm sorry for the unclear post. I meant what do you do when you are face to face with a child who has been severly beaten or burned a clear cut case of abuse. How do you handle such a thing? I'm sure you see that ...
  13. Dealing With Child Abuse

    I am currently finishing up my prereq's to apply to the nursing program this fall. I have spent a very long time thinking about possible things that could happen while I am a nurse and the only thing I think I will have a problem with is abuse. How d...
  14. Teas V Preperation

    I will be taking my Teas very soon and I was wondering if any of you could possibly tell me what kind of math problems I am looking at? I am not very strong in math but excel in science, grammar and reading. Thanks for your help.