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All Content by lckrn2pa

  1. What do ER's hire more: PA-C, FNP or ACNP ?

    Of the 30 or so ER's I've worked at over my 19 years (last 8 as a travel nurse) I think I've worked with 6-8 NP's in the ER and most were FNP's. I've mostly seen PA's in the ER and working in several hospitals in California I've only worked with 1 FN...
  2. alpha strep pneumonia-why is it so severe?

    Group A Strep in pneumonia can also cause empyema along with a host of other problems to include endocarditis, necrotizing faciitis, strep toxic shock syndrome to name a few. Toxic shock can lead to ARDS, renal failure and death. Group A strep can be...
  3. Anyone ever heard of anything like this?

    I'd walked out of that meeting right then and there. I quit, no way would I take a chance on some spiteful person that may have it in for me reporting some nitpicking little BS thing. Just walk away. Let the admin and DON take care of the patients. T...
  4. should I withdraw??

    I guess it all depends on how many more exams you have til the end of the semester. If you have enough to get back into passing without having the expectation of doing outside yourself and by that I mean say you've been averaging 80-85 on your exams ...
  5. Thanks, I was just curious about how it compares. I'm about to start my last 16 week term of my didactic year in PA school and then start clinical rotations this summer. We will do 1700 hours of clinicals over the next year. Just looking at the simil...
  6. Getting hit on at work?

  7. At work, can you ever give drugs with no prescription?

    nope, not even Tylenol. Most every ER I've worked at has standing orders to to certain things even up to IV narcs and anti-emetics for chest pain, abdominal pain and such and as a RN I can sign those order sheets as a verbal order from what ever ER d...
  8. What are the clinical requirements during these direct entry programs?
  9. what are the duties of the ER Rn?

    Start your own IV's Draw your own blood plus any redraws from "hemolyzed" (read lost) specimens Collect U/A's and some cases either do you own dip stick or run the U/A as a POC test yourself. Check in the line ambulance patients waiting on a bed Move...
  10. LPN to RN can advance just like anybody else but the problem is sometimes there is not a RN job available for the LPN graduating from RN school. It used to be (back when I did this same thing 9yrs ago) you just stayed where you were and assumed the r...
  11. The reason your provider is diagnosing MRSA is based on probability of the community. If your in a community where MRSA is prevalent then you treat it as MRSA. I&D is the preferred treatment of an abscess if it is fluctuant or "ripe", if not then...
  12. Years ago when I was a new grad ER nurse I carried porters pocket guide to critical care. Got me through a few pedi codes back in the day. American heart has a good acls type guide also. Most any bookstore will have them in the medical ref section to...
  13. I don't see the problem, they staff used what they had available to take care of the people that needed care. It says in the article people were moved in 3hrs so whats the problem. People always looking for something to complain about. Anyway, 99% of...
  14. First med error

    A chart held about head high and dropped on a hard floor right next to a co-worker resting their eyes has always yielded good results for me. But that's just me, never really liked the idea of me working got by with doing nothing.
  15. Board of Nursing Actions

    Indian Reservations are a good place to look, any state license will work. Also, do you live in a compact state? If you did then there are 22 compact states you can work in with your home state license. Just a few options.
  16. CRNA Threat

    All I can say is wow, this is really what you think of PA's? You really need to research the role of a PA before you start calling us "little puppy dogs". The clinical rotations for PA's will usually be around 2000/hrs +/-, NP programs hover around 5...
  17. Nursing in Hawaii

    You can try but $35/hr is good for HI, the recruiters will throw the idea that everybody wants to go so the pay isn't that high but in reality it cost them a fortune to house and pay for travel for nurses to go there so they cut the pay rate so they ...
  18. Nursing in Hawaii

    I worked an ER travel assignment at Hilo Medical Center on the big island back in 2006 and loved it. Never had any problems from patients or co-workers. The nurse manager and I did not see eye to eye on many things but it was not racial by any means ...
  19. How can they do this to us?!

    It's your day off, your scheduled for a class. They can ask you if you want to work but your not scheduled to work and that's the end of it. I've had hospitals try to pull that with me kinda..I would sign up for on-call for the ER and they would try ...
  20. Parents/Patients demanding investigations

    There are parents that do push hard for exams that are not warranted and dangerous. There are studies linking increased risk of fatal CA based on CT use. An article last year in PA professional cited a FDA investigation into brain perfusion scans don...
  21. Old Women Hit by Car...What Would You Do?

    This didn't happen in a small town in central california did it?? I saw a very similar scene unfolding last week I believe on my way home. Old lady on the ground but she was at the curb and PD was on scene when I came by. Anyway, street medicine is ...
  22. Isoniazid injection for latent TB

    Epocrates had this dose regime, Pharmacopoeia only had the PO regime. Looking at also had the IM at adult/teens 300mg/qday and children weight based dosing. The adverse reaction yo...
  23. Isoniazid injection for latent TB

    active TB 5mg/kg po/im qd x8-18months latent TB 5mg po/im qd x6-9months renal dosing no adjustment, CrCl hepatic dosing: in acute liver dz or INH associated liver injury is contridicated
  24. Canadian Travel Nurse for California

    I've used Response One Medical staffing back when I was traveling. They are a small local California company that is owned by and ran by nurses. The owner is great and the pay is substantial. If you do some leg work on your own and find your own hous...
  25. Maybe I'm just old and cynical, but....

    I had a calling to become a nurse......a woman that was friends with my mom called and said if I went to LPN school the hospital would pay for it, she was the CNO lol.