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All Content by lckrn2pa

  1. I've worked at several that do those star awards or whatever little nifty name upper management/preschool teacher came up with to call it. I only say that because last time I looked I was an adult and gold stars on some board really do not impress me...
  2. How valuable is speaking Spanish in health care?

    One thing you need to consider is the growing trend (what I've seen in Cali) of using certified interpreters. Two of the hospitals I worked at prior to staring PA school required certified interpreters to be used, even for Spanish speaking employees....
  3. Watching Procedures vs Doing Them

    I would suggest that maybe when your doing the procedure your really not thinking about what your doing as much as concentrating on actually doing a good job. When watching on TV your brain has more time to focus on what's going on in the procedure a...
  4. April Fools Day

    We called transport to take a post code down to morgue, the two guys working that day were both in nursing school and always hung out in the ER with us whenever they could so they get there and start out of the trauma bay with the pt, who is actually...
  5. FNP vs Acute care NP vs CRNA

    Said "Californy is the place you ought to be" So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. Hills, that is. Swimmin pools, movie stars. I loved that show when I was a kid. Anyway, prob talking about Cali, I've been working out here off and on as...
  6. They do have to pay you for it because you were there as their employee, they may have the policy about working as I previously stated but regardless, they have to pay you for your time. I guess I should have made that clear in my previous post. If t...
  7. Oh, and this was in California so it must be common in this state, dunno
  8. After my last travel job last april and until PA school started in July I worked registry and what I was told about the orientation hours was unpaid until I worked like 3 shifts. This may be what they were talking about. The agency doesn't get paid f...
  9. NA | Chloride | BUN _____________________/ Glucose K.. | CO2 ........| Creatine \ .........HGB WBC \____/Plt ........./HCT\ Kinda like that. So ignore the periods, I had to put them in because when I post it mo...
  10. like somebody said, best to move out here and get a job at the popular hospitals, Cedar's, UCLA, County-USC. I've worked a few travel jobs in the LA area and ran in to a few nurses that did side stuff, couple guys did some extra's work on ER things l...
  11. fainted during a procedure at work!!

    now that's funny
  12. not right now, just looking to survive finals next week, 6 finals in 5 days. Most likely will end up back in the last ER I worked in. The ER chief already offered me a job before I started school. We start clinical rotations this summer so I'll get ...
  13. I feel your pain. I got out of school in 1992 and it is such a different world out there now as hospitals focus so much on being compliant with this rule or that rule that somewhere along the way the forgot about taking care of the patient and the pe...
  14. Becoming an NP with little to no nursing experience??

    My PA program is 24 months full time, no part time. By the end of it I will have just over 1700 hours of classroom instruction (35 +/- per week x48wks) the 1st year and second year will be 1700 hous of clinical time (32hrs +/- per week x12 months) al...
  15. possible allergic reactions?

    The solu medrol induced the anxiety, common SE of steroids
  16. Impersonating a nurse

    ok, gotta admit, finals week coming up. 6 finals and 1 comprehensive physical exam. Vacation? Get 9days off after finals then none til Christmas break, well we get Thur and Fri off T'giving week. good times
  17. Impersonating a nurse

    I caught the sarcasm in the post and sarcastic or not it serves to minimize the the educational requirement of one profession as compared to another. I take great offense to someone with one degree or certification passing themselves off as something...
  18. Impersonating a nurse

    Really?? Have you ever worked with a Physician Assistant? Ever researched, not only the role, but the education and competitiveness of even getting in to a program? I agree that the office staff using the title nurse is wrong and illegal in the state...
  19. Minimum level of experience for FNP

    I am all for having good quality HCE prior to any midlevel provider program. It's a growing trend in both NP and PA world of cutting short the HCE to put more providers in the office and I just wonder if we are doing a huge disservice to the patients...
  20. Do men in healthcare suffer from burnout?

    For me I think it's the ability to turn it off when I walk out the door. No matter how bad of a day I had, at 7pm I turn it off and go home and don't think about it until I clock back in my next shift. Most the women I've worked with can't do that.
  21. Reasonable Nursing School GPA?

    I loved Santa Fe, I worked a travel contract there few years ago in the ER and worked some registry stuff down in ABQ while there, really liked the ER crew there. Anyway, never asked about my GPA while there and was offered a contact in Taos the next...
  22. Rocephin Question

    Stomp their foot before you give it, they will be more worried about the foot. Rocephin hurts, no way around it really. My wife has had it with and without lido and she swears the lido made it hurt more than without.
  23. New grad--old story: I am in orientation hell.

    I don't think it's presumptuous at all, I think we all can add something to each others practice. I worked with a CNA many years ago that was probably one of the smartest people I'd ever been around. We worked a little community hospital and they let...
  24. New grad--old story: I am in orientation hell.

    Some nurses just do not have the right mindset to precept new grads and unfortunately these are the ones that managers like to use all the time. My last nursing job was a travel assignment but I'd been at the same ER off and one for over 2 years and ...
  25. Nurse-Patient Ratios on East Coast

    That would be a negative, he actually tried to cut out the pt ratio's in 2005 he tried to suspend the law but was overruled in court.