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All Content by lckrn2pa

  1. I did at the time before I realized the poster isn't a nurse or even accepted to a program. It's easy to speak on things when you have no idea what your talking about. It's been almost a year since I last worked as a nurse and as I remember that nite...
  2. The CEO said WHAT!!!!

    wow, does this hospital not have a board of directors? That's amazing somebody in that position would be that stupid.
  3. whoohooo, community college, everything after 15 credit hours was free. My total out of pocket was maybe 6k. But now, ugh, I'm looking at about 90k total when I'm done with PA school. Wonder if I can still sell a kidney???
  4. I think this is the BEST advice anybody on this board has given the OP. The people that know you and know the community will be best at offering advice and guidance. Good luck in your new position and congrats.
  5. Patient hygiene-How far is too far?

    That's funny
  6. Wrong

    Hallway consults, don't do 'em. One of the topics brought up in our legal/ethics class in PA school, no chart means there's no reason to deliver care.
  7. Patient hygiene-How far is too far?

    That's the beauty of medicine, what we did 20yrs ago we don't do now. Constantly evolving and changing as we learn the things we "knew" back then are actually wrong now. Heck, things we did 5yrs ago are not longer best practice stuff. Life long learn...
  8. Patient hygiene-How far is too far?

    actually, your wrong. Shaving/grooming damages the skin and breaks down its effectiveness as a barrier. Largest organ of the body and 1st line of defense.
  9. Patient hygiene-How far is too far?

    Your going to have to get over that because in school your assigned a patient based on learning objective and not gender. Your clinical instructor probably will not be forgiving of your view on how appropriate it is. As a health care worker you are e...
  10. Honest opinions needed

    Ok I know this is a nursing forum so forgive the invitation to the dark side but you think about PA school? There are 2 girls in my class that were pre-pharm type undergrads but decided against it and applied/started PA school. Just another option th...
  11. Life

    When my dad tells me he's proud of me.
  12. Honest opinions needed

    Easy to answer 1. you never stop cleaning pts 2. Management 3. Not enough 4. Everything 5. Both
  13. Most horrific interview ever !

    That conversation makes me believe the Doc was testing you, putting you under a stressful situation to see how you would respond. If they really had that low of an opinion about LPN's then why would they interview one? Regardless of the reason, you h...
  14. Do you ever....

    I dated an ER nurse and when we would be driving or holding hands she would be palpating my veins and not realize that she was, was funny. For me personally, EJ's make me salivate lol. Big ole thick EJ just begging for a needle to be stuck in it...
  15. can they say I was terminated?

    Many years ago I filled in as Manager of a small ER in TN. I was told by HR manager that I could only verify employment dates and whether or not the person was eligible for rehire. It was their policy not to divulge confidential employee records.
  16. Acceptable Mens Hair Styles

    Of the 30 plus ER's I've worked it the only thing in the handbooks for hair style was neat, clean and well groomed. I've never seen anything as to how you actually style it. Women I think is pulled back but I've seen a lot keep it down which always g...
  17. differences between PA and NP?

    I do agree with you on this. With almost 2 decades of ER care behind me I found some things in PA school I really didn't have to devote as much time to as my peers. EKG's was one area that I really never had to put more than a couple hours reviewing ...
  18. differences between PA and NP?

    Ah, supervision vs. argument in semantics. As a PA when hired by my supervising physician we will develop a practice agreement or scope of authority. This basically outlines for the state what I can and can not do. As a general ru...
  19. differences between PA and NP?

    First of all you should hit some of the info sessions that the PA programs here in Cali offer. I'm in PA school in Cali and my school offers 3-4 info sessions each year, usually in the fall. eglide87 gave a very good overall comparison of the two fi...
  20. Nurse chatting/dating patient

    Name calling? Really?? OP, ignore it, there's no place for this. The OP stated in their post that they did not go any further ie ask phone number, because they were not sure of the consequences. They decided to err on the side of good judgement and...
  21. Contract Issue

    Oops, guess I didn't read it that carefully. That's what I get for trying to post after reading pediatrics for 5 1/2 hrs lol. If your that miserable then I'd talk to an attorney. Find an attorney that offers free consultation and go see one just to e...
  22. Contract Issue

    You need to think long and hard about what your going to do, there are many implications of breach of contract situations. After reading your post carefully, as some have stated, I arrived at the conclusion that the OP did receive money for said cont...
  23. Becoming an NP with little to no nursing experience??

    Well, in 1991 when I got out of nursing school I got my temporary license on a fri (back then it was a 2 day written exam ordeal at my state capital in a convention center with 1500 of my closest friends lol) and went to work at my local ER on Sat wh...
  24. Did your nursing program cover 12 lead EKG?

    DO NOT SPEND 700 bucks on some EKG class that will be worthless, years ago the ER manager sent us to some EKG class that was a waste of my weekend. Get on Amazon and buy Rapid Interpretation of EKG's by Dale Dubin MD. It is such a simple read and rea...
  25. Anyone noticing this trend with IV Avelox?

    Fluoroquinolones are known to cause this type of localized phlebitis. It's not a drug allergy. The proper action when this is noted is to stop infusion and check the patient for any s/s of drug allergy, flush line and notify doc. This can be minimize...