

I like everything except ER

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All Content by slackula

  1. If you you have previous expieriance as a CNA, HHA, LPN don't act like you know to much. They will be harder on you. I knew two LPNs who worked in the hospital for years and the nasty b***h teacher failed them on giving a bed bath. Then she told thei...
  2. Credit check along with background? *****??

    To be honest declaring bankruptcy may work in your favor because now they know your really desperate for money. I had a supervisor tell me "I like to hire nurses that have to make car payments because I know they can't quit" All they really care abou...
  3. How do I 'toughen up?'

    I had a similar complaint about me when I was new. A stroke patient's wife saw a quarter sized amount of blood on his top sheet[he had torn a band aid off his arm] and started yelling and making a scene. She demanded to speak to the charge nurse. I w...
  4. Immunizations & nursing school

    In America, which is ground zero for allopathic medicine, you have no choice but to get vaccinated if you wish to practice in the current medical system. Most of the nurses are brainwashed to believe we will harm our patients by the pharmaceutical lo...
  5. It bothers me when I'm a patient. I'll see someone in scrubs with no clue as to their title. When I was in premature labor , a woman came into my room with a white lab coat-she was from food service coming in to bring me my tray.One hospital where i ...
  6. Who wears a nursing cap?

    Let me tell you about "caps" They were worn by maids years ago. One reason we wanted to stop wearing them. also, I worked in a very ritzy hospital in Manhattan and if you forgot your cap they made you get a white piece of paper and fold it to look l...
  7. I wish I never had anything to do with nursing and I had a great career.
  8. Applied for LTC position, haven't heard a word

    I applied to United Health Group and I'm waiting for a call back for a face to face interview. But my phone is not ringing. Poor old Slackula. I feel like I'm waiting for some potential new boyfriend to call me.
  9. Do Nurses Have to Make Their Home Addresses Public?

    I used to be listed in the NYC phone book. One day we had a terrible snowstorm that almost shut down the city. I recieved a phone call from one of the mental patients. "Hi, I know your there and alone and the police cars can't get to help you . I'm ...
  10. Interpreter Telling You How To Do Your Job

    I had an interpreter that would have a long involved conversation with the patient and when I asked about the answer he would say "Oh the answer is no" I don't want his opinion . I just want the facts and then I will figure out the answer.
  11. Patient complaint filed

    First, talk to a labor lawyer and have him contact them. This can stop them dead in their tracks. Also, one bit of advice , when a junkie asks you for her pain med and it is the legal time to give it--just give them the meds and ask for a psych consu...
  12. A Matter of Respect and Dignity: Bullying in the Nursing Profession

    How do you stand up to a bully.?
  13. Zero:redbeathe:nurse:
  14. How old were you when you finished nursing school?

    B.S.N, RN age 25.
  15. When you show up on the floor to start work and and the nurses you are relieving say "I've never been so glad to see you!"
  16. How long to stay at a job you don't like?

    I think you should just go also. That place sounds like trouble. It is always better to quit while you are ahead.
  17. Graduating and feel unprepared!

    The new nurses that I hate are the ones who try to act like they know everything. It's obvious to everyone that they are insecure, but if they have an attitude, I just can't stand it. They will try to find fault with other nurses decisions, act like ...
  18. RN feeling discouraged, can't find niche

    You might like teaching. I had a job where I trained HHA's. It was fun at times. Not much pressure. I have also worked in every area and like to change direction every few years. Psych home care visits are also good. The fear of making a mistake coul...
  19. Johnson & Johnson commercials

    I like the commercials. They are kind of corny, but it does make me feel good to get recognition. I think we are just not used to recieving praise. Like a bunch of emotionally abused people.
  20. Floating related to age

    It's not fair. I'm 60 and could handle floating. When I was 27 I was terrified of floating off my unit. My pleas fell on deaf ears. It was great experience for me and I was able to float to almost any floor after that. If they must choose it could be...