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All Content by OneRN

  1. I work in a classic stepdown unit. We have only cardiac pts and ICU overflow. Our staffing is 4:1 on days and 5:1 on nights. These days it's difficult to know what to call a unit like ours. We used to be called telemetry, but now every little hospita...
  2. nursing school yes or no

    Honestly, if I were you, I wouldn't do it. Nursing school is really tough; not just academically, but it takes up your entire life for 2 and a half years, and then the first year of nursing is pretty tough (as I am experiencing now). I love nursing. ...
  3. CNA issue~can anyone advise?

    I worked as a CNA in a LTC facility during my prereqs and Level 1. I was a good one, but some of the ones I worked with were just this side of convicts and gang members. It's a tradgedy what takes place in long term care. One guy (and I don't care if...
  4. Feeling like I blew it!

    When I was in level 1 of nursing school. A neighborhood kid had a bleeding nose. I told him to put his head back and hold his nose closed and then walked him home. On the way, a ten-year old told me that the kid should keep his head forward so he wou...
  5. What Doesn't Matter

    This is for all the nursing students who have yet to work as a nurse on the floor. I just graduated, got my RN licesnse, and am in an internship on a stepdown floor where I was a tech for a year prior. I've been in these forums the entire time I was ...