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About jazzyp88

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  1. UBC September 2014 Applicants

    Hi, I will be applying for Sept 2014 as well. I applied a few years ago and got an interview however declined because I decided to do my MSc at the time. I wanted to go through with academics but have realized it is not for me so back to square one f...
  2. UBC nursing application 2011

    I have one thats a work supervisor and the other was the advisor for a club I volunteered for at University. I hope thats ok.
  3. UBC nursing application 2011

    Just going to submit my application sometime this week. I'm having a hard time filling out the membership of different organizations. I was apart of lots of clubs in highschool/university (within the last 5 years) but I expanded on those in the other...
  4. Thinking of starting a Nursing School..

    Sounds like a good fit for you. That is a lot of money, I've never heard of LPN costing that much, at least in BC. I have a lot of friends that have finished their LPN in the Lower Mainland, BC and the general consensus was it's hard to find a job if...
  5. BCIT Aug 2010/ Jan 2011

    I just finished my application for Aug 2011. I applied 2 years ago but BCIT had lost my application. I was in the midst of doing my BSc at the time so I just let it go but now I wish I had put up a fight. All that money and time gone to waste! I had...