You may consider asking if there is the option to work in the office full or part time, or exactly when you would transition home...some places may require 6 months in the office so that you have time...
that sounds like a heck of a lot. it's comparing apples to oranges, but i work telephonic, and start to get a little nervous when my load exceeds 100. i guess it all boils down to the level of need...
well, i'll be interested to see what others have to say. i was lucky enough to land the first cm job i applied for. but what i am hearing is that finding a cm job can be a challenge. most cms enjoy...
1. i don't think there is a definite answer, other than the more the better. 2. again, the clinical experience required depends largely on the area of cm you want to get into. obviously, if you are...
as opposed to (per your other posts) being a new grad still on orientation?? i understand that you are (rightfully) proud of yourself for finishing school and passing your boards, but that doesn't...
thanks for a very thought-provoking post. i get where you are coming from, but i can say (in my case at least) that the flexibility to switch to different areas of specialty is one of the factors...
the insurer i work for has a program specific to congenital heart disease. it's a blend of interaction with the patient (well, parents) and utilization review. there is the option of working from...
actually, i was being a little tongue in cheek. sorry that didn't come through. would carrying a gun with me make me feel more safe? no. do i feel less safe because my state does not allow...
if were as easy as ban guns, reduce crime, i'd be all for it (well, probably not, but i'd be less against it.) unfortunately, it's not that simple. to date there are no studies that indicate that gun...
so you have just been walking thru existing cases? are you not listening to live calls? how can you be expected to open a new case when you have not seen it done?? as a new cm, it's likely that all...
get a new preceptor. seriously, some people just aren't equipped to precept others. or it could just be a poor match between the two of you-maybe your brains don't work the same. truly, this is not...