

med/surg, oncology

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All Content by DR2004RN

  1. Inventions we'd love to see....

    LOL!!!! :lol2: :lol2:
  2. Inventions we'd love to see....

    I like that idea. !!!!
  3. you might be from ohio if:

    Just thought of one more. Do you guys ever go to the Li-berry (library)?
  4. you might be from ohio if:

    Born in Phoenix but raised in Ohio. I too have heard "warsh" for wash. Has anyone heard "rinsh" for rinse. (Now, c'mon, if you're gonna warsh your clothes, you gotta rinsh them too!) I use the term "you guys" all the time. And yes, Diet Pepsi is my f...
  5. Going back to NW Ohio

    renerian, I see that you are moving back to the area, welcome back! I did clinicals at St. Luke's and liked it, but I liked MUO more, so that's where I am. However, I did go to school with a handsome young man who ended up working at St. Lukes after ...
  6. LPN IV therapy question in ohio?

    tashaLPN2006, could you please show me the link to the BON's website that gives the specifics on I.V. Abx? At our hospital we are all confused as to what LPN's can/cannot hang. Of course blood, blood products, chemo are obviously out of the question....
  7. how long is your commute?

  8. HELP! Ink on school uniform

    The same thing happened to me once and I was soo upset! I had spent a truckload of money on my uniforms and could not afford a new set, so I found this stuff at my local grocery store (Kroger's) it was called CARBONA. There are different ones for dif...
  9. My first code

    I have a question I hope someone can help me with. Last week while at work, a nursing assistant came out of a patient's room and states "Mr. ***** dosen't look too good" That pt's nurse was on the phone, so I went in to look at the patient and we was...
  10. 30 days sober!

  11. Sickle Cell Crisis Question LONG VENT!!

    I work on a med-surg floor and a large portion of our patients are sickle cell pts. We do use morphine on a few, but mostly dilaudid. On top of that some are also taking oxycontin. We give benedryl and phenergan to all but two that I can think of.
  12. diluting I.V lasix

    Boy am I glad I found this thread!! I was told to dilute lasix in nursing school also. So last night I was telling a nursing student that she needed to dilute lasix and one of the other nurses piped up and said he had never even heard of diluting las...
  13. Med Errors

    We give potassium IV through a peripheral line all of the time. We long line it so it dosen't burn and give it slowly(over 1hour) We have not had any problems. I have also heard to never give vistaril iv. Another nurse told me that it crystallizes i...
  14. DH dying-need prayers

    I too will be praying for your husband and your family. Continue to rely on your faith and God will get you through this difficult time.
  15. I am SO excited and proud!

    CONGRATULATIONS!! You have every right to be proud!! What an awesome thing to be offered this position. You said you truly love your job, so this sounds like an amazing opportunity! You have clearly left a good impression on your boss for her to go t...
  16. Reglan IV

    I give I.V. push reglan quite often. I push 1ml over 1-2 minutes and have never had a problem. Another poster mentioned using Reglan for migraines? I have never heard of that as a use for Reglan. But then, I have only been a nurse for a little over a...
  17. Pet Peeves

    Someone else had mentioned this earlier, when a family member comes up to the nurses station to ask or calls on the phone to ask "How is my mother doing?" Well, lets there are many women here who are mothers, exactly which one are you talking about? ...
  18. Pet Peeves

    You sound like a very caring and compassionate person. Those are great qualities to have. You are absolutely right being an aide is much more than just emptying bedpans all day. I am sure you earn the love and respect you deserve from your patients a...
  19. A few questions for the "older" new nurses...

    I agree with the others, GO FOR IT!!! Otherwise where will you be in five years?........Wishing you had done it. And where does wishing get you? Nowhere. It sounds like you have a lot of support and a lot of people who were in the same position as yo...
  20. funniest thing you saw a nurse do.......

    This one just happened last night. I was checking residuals on a patients feeding tube and his daughter was hovering over watching to make sure I did it correctly, (a very difficult lady to deal with.) Well, as I pulled back on the syringe, it discon...
  21. Anyone have experience w/Plantar Fasciitis??

    I was diagnosed with plantar facitis in 2001 after the birth of my youngest son. The pain was so bad I cried. I saw a podiatrist and he told me that I was very very flatfooted (I already knew that.) I have NO arch at all. He prescribed orthotics, and...
  22. what's in your pocket?

    In the right scrub top pocket, I carry 2 black ink pens, a black sharpie, a yellow highlighter, mini maglite, and a key for the pca pumps. On left scrub top pocket, I carry alcohol pads, ekg patches, (for replacing on pts. w/telemetry) 2 bandage scis...
  23. Failed the NCLEX... some questions

    I don't know about where you live, but here in Ohio the wait is only 45 days to retest. I know that Ohio does not allow us to practice as a graduate nurse until we get a license. We are nurse interns with the same job description as that of a nursin...
  24. cadiva question

    Like I said, water under the bridge. And in my opinion, no you don't have a "reputation." I read many of your posts after that one, and just began to see that you are one of the "experienced nurses" that I was talking about.
  25. I bought books on "Your first year as an RN"

    I just celebrated my first year as a nurse on June 30. I wish I had known about these books sooner, but I am still going to read them, thanks for the info. Good luck to those who are taking the NCLEX. Your first year is filled with more valuable info...