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  1. CGFNS - CVS for NYS help please

    Hi akosiemong. I also applied for CVS last december 2010 and until now I'm still waiting for my school to receive the request for transcript. May I know your current status? Thanka a lot ^^
  2. CGFNS CVS Help, Ready for Review Status

    wow you are so lucky to have it processed for just 4 1/2 months. i tried to verify the address via email but unfortunately their reply was not related to my concern. here's my email: [email protected] sorry for the late reply and thank you so muc...
  3. CGFNS CVS Help, Ready for Review Status

    @zackxylon may I know how long did it take for your CVS to be processed? Three months have passed and yet my school hasn't received the request letter. Is that normal? Thanks ^^
  4. CGFNS CVS Help, Ready for Review Status

    i already mailed my ny application form even though my cvs processing has just started.. is that okay? i was just worried that my application form together with the payment might got lost. thanks a lot ^^