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All Content by IMOKAY

  1. I remember wondering the same thing about CNA when I first started school. Some nursing programs require CNA before applying but others do not. You should make an appt with the school advisor to get a list of all pre-reqs...usually they have to be ...
  2. I'm so excited

    yayhooo! i'm starting this fall too.
  3. Can I even get into any nursing programs?

    I would call local nursing program advisors and ask what the avg gpa is for students being accepted. If you wont make the cut, try a LPN can take a lpn to rn bridge program later. there are many threads on here of people doing that who ...
  4. Co-worker passed away. Bad day at work

    Totally sucks. I hope you can have some time soon to grieve, cry and heal. Its hard to keep your game on at work after something like this.
  5. Need to vent.......

    I would stick it out awhile (6 months) and after you have proven yourself with a smile, ask for nights again.
  6. fun: what does this photo say to you?

    "Quit riding my *** and let me do my job!"
  7. Singled out nursing student

    Yes! Dont give up! I experienced this for the entire first year of my current job. MY co workers confessed to me that when they first saw me they made bets to see how fast I would quit all based on my appearance. They made jokes loud enough for me ...
  8. micro

    I found Micro easier to understand but more memorization -aaaaall those bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and aaaaall the diseases they cause, and aaaaall the symptoms, and aaaaaaall the get the idea.
  9. Intro to Sociology

    I also CLEPed Soc. and I used this book on wikibooks as one of my study tools. best of luck!
  10. Starting to feel like my ADN was a mistake

    This is a repeating pattern in all 50 new grads are getting hired whether you have ADN or BSN its the same. Few facilities have the staff or money to train, plain and simple.
  11. gyn prob. in the ER??? GUESS THE DIAGNOSIS

    Why would she lie for the court excuse and then come clean? What a waste of time for everyone. Is there treatment for liars?
  12. Relocating to Las Vegas

    Its hard to say, with your experience you could standout from the rest of the crowds of unemployed here. All I hear lately seems to be negative with not so much as an interview unless someone you know refers you. My best advice is to apply for as m...
  13. gyn prob. in the ER??? GUESS THE DIAGNOSIS

    uterine fibroids or endometriosis? constipation/dehydration makes sense too.
  14. I made it!!!

    Yes! Wooohooo! Excellent job. Sounds like you wowed them. :w00t:
  15. Las Vegas CNA/Unit Coord. jobs?

    That seems to be the norm here in Vegas that to get an interview you need to be referred by someone.
  16. Passed State Exam Today!!!!

    Great Job!! Woohoo! I bet you are on cloud nine. :w00t:
  17. Unprofessional School Orientation

    Haha I love it, so true for me too.."the more detailed the drawing/doodle, the slower the class." BTW, I am also a 2nd degree seeking student leaving the airline industry.
  18. Starting in August - scared and nervous!!

    I asked myself all those questions and more but I convinced myself that its just like parenting or teaching children. You could run every possible worst case scenario thru your head millions of times but the best teacher is experience. You learn as ...
  19. Let us know how it goes if you go through with it. I am curious to see how you feel after you complete the training. Stay strong!
  20. Accept the position and watch for Womens health to open up.
  21. Geez something has to give! In an ideal world there would only be 3-4 pts per nurse plus ancillary support for admits etc. Just a slower pace, more time with less pts seems to be the solution. If only...
  22. Poor honey! I can't give you advice (I'm still a student) but I'm feeling your discouragement and frustration through your words. I do hope this will get better. Thinking back to first months and first year of my previous jobs I was always unsure, ...
  23. Funniest/strangest dementia patient stories

    pt told me his walker was made given to him by the army and was made from 2 machine guns. haha! the handles do kinda look like triggers I guess.
  24. I think you mean Smucker's? like the jam?
  25. UNLV Spring 2011

    JacobK, what would you say were your keys to success? Do you have previous medical background? How many hours a day did you study? Did you have a good study group?