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All Content by All_Smiles_RN

  1. ADN = Difficulty Getting Job?

    General hospital positions? No problem whatsoever. Maybe if you were looking into a case management position, or working with employee education, or public health, you may see BSN preferred or required. Definitely not a problem in regular hospital po...
  2. Night Folks, I need your input!

    My first day off (leaving work at 7:30am) I go home and sleep until 2pm on average and then go to bed at a normal hour that night. Some days though, I need to sleep until 4pm or 5pm immediately after I work. That's just getting 8 hours sleep on the d...
  3. Best Florida City for my situation?

    The south side of Orlando into Kissimmee is the tourist area. Northern and downtown Orlando avoid most of that. Orlando probably meets most of your requirements, although nothing is going to compare to NY. Orlando is home to two large hospital system...
  4. Orlando v. Tampa

    I don't know anything about working for All Children's but on the flip side, my teenage brother was a pt there last year for open heart sx and it was a great experience. Well, given the circumstances, you know what I mean ;-) The nurses in CVICU were...
  5. Best Florida City for my situation?

    Nothing quite like NY. Miami possibly?
  6. signature/documentation

    Each page of our flowsheet has a place at the bottom for all personnel documenting on the patient to sign their full name, credentials, and their initials next to it. Throughout the rest of the page, we use our initials.
  7. Cardiac stepdown vs. telemetry

    I agree with cappucino.
  8. Med-Surg/Onc/tele

    You need to take a basic ecg course before you start ACLS. ACLS does not teach you rhythms, they just review them and then focus on how to respond to various situations.
  9. Strong Honest Opinions please, need help!

    You only have one back. If it's already causing you trouble, nursing will only aggrevate it. There are other fields that can give you the satisfaction of helping someone. You can change to clinical social work. They are involved in direct patient car...
  10. At my old hospital we had these med carts we pushed around with a scanner and laptop on it. We'd scan the pt's ID band and then scan the meds before we gave them. If the med didn't match the the MAR, a warning would pop up on the computer screen. I t...
  11. Nice docs

    Just the other day a neurologist checking on a pt he was covering for, came by the station and asked about my patient. While we were talking, he pulled up the MRI images on the computer and took a look. Instead of just moving on, he showed me where t...
  12. What do you think of this?

    I've worked on my floor close to a year now. I was approached recently by management saying that nurses on our floor need to attend the critical care course. I'm not in ICU mind you, but I love continuing education, so no problem. Well to take the cl...
  13. POST OP NAUSEA -which drug do you like?

    I prefer Zofran because it's doesn't have the side effects like phenergan.
  14. What do you think of this?

    When they approached me with this, I told them I was not willing to sign the contract and that if they want to keep me, we'll have to work something else out. My asst mgr said she would talk to the higher-ups to see what we can do. No one has approac...
  15. What do you think of this?

    No certification, no pay increase. That's not my issue at all though. I'm more than willing to take the course just to have more knowledge. My issue is the ridiculus contract.
  16. Need counseling on a life decision

    Nursing school is available now and will be in the future. These early years with your son are available now. No getting these years back later.
  17. Schedules

    same for me
  18. Student Loans

    At any rate, anyone can get a stafford loan, subsidized and/or unsubsidized. interest acrues during school, in subsidized loans govt pays it, unsibsidized it acrues. you don't have to start paying back until 6 months post graduation. once you graduat...
  19. Patient crashing / K+ Rider

    I wouldn't think the K+ caused it. you certainly had it going slow enough. if there's not a contraindication, you can run NS at low rate and then connect your K+ at the proximal port. Dilutes it even further and less complaints from pts. Of course ma...
  20. Hep B (slightly active) and PPD positive

    About the PPD, your next step would be to get a chest xray to prove you don't have active TB. There were girls in my nursing school who had chest xrays instead of PPD's because they were exposed while working in healthcare prior to nursing school. Wa...
  21. Saleries in central Florida

    To start, $18 or 19 for a new grad in small town hospitals, but when you work in the city, they start at 20-22. How about live in the small town but work in the city? How about work nights or weekends and pick up differential pay? How about get medic...
  22. advice for dealing with slacker co-workers

    I was in a similar situation. They wanted to take one of my stable pts to give to a nurse who didn't feel like taking an ICU pt that was being moved down to tele. My suspicion was because he was an isolation pt and was having issues with hyperthermia...
  23. Improving Patient Satisfaction

    The last thing I want to hear about is patient satisfaction. Every unit meeting we hear about our "scores" and how we need to improve them. Everytime I am in one of these meetings, all I "hear" from my mgmt is that we are not doing a good job and bla...
  24. I miss Nursing but .....

    Take a pool position. That way you float from unit to unit each shift and don't have time to get caught up in politics and backstabbing.
  25. New nurse need help with stethoscope purchase

    I have a Littman Cardiology III also. Great stethescope. Shop around, I paid $130 or so for mine after looking around.