



All Content by Mully

  1. Mercy Ships

    Ali, are you still volunteering with Mercy ships? I'm waiting to here back from the CRNA school that I applied to. My plan is to join Mercy ships after I get some CRNA experience in the States. Is there much need for CRNAs that you see on the ship? A...
  2. Shadowing a CRNA

    I just PM'd you
  3. Lol BOOM goes the dynamite! You tell 'em Ultraposh. Get your finances in order any you got what it takes to be whatever you want! A little fire in the belly goes a long way.
  4. Shadowing a CRNA

    I'll tell you in about a month. Their deadline for the app is tomorrow, then interviews. I do think it'll look good that I shadowed within their system, though.
  5. Don't People Have Bills To Pay?

    AMEN AMEN AMEN to ALL of what ALL of the crusty old bats have said lol! And I'm a millennial nurse! The generalizations about my generation couldn't be truer, in my opinion. And try the dating scene! Loads and loads of beautiful, smart, single, enti...
  6. Shadowing a CRNA

    I contacted the CRNA school I'm applying to and they set me up with the main person that they deal with in their main clinical rotation. They got me in no problem.
  7. Trauma Surgical ICU

  8. CRNA student having doubts

    If I were you, I'd finish CRNA school and give it two years of working as an honest, whole-hearted try. The good thing about life is that nothing is forever, and you can always change your mind later! This way, you'd really actually know if it was an...
  9. Cool ER Videos

    I've watched a lot of these videos! The guy is a ER physician and he actually responds to pretty much every logical comment on his vid's, so if you have questions, ask! Pretty cool.
  10. Enabling often cloaks itself as generosity...
  11. Yeah you need some major financial help. Dave Ramsey is legit and that's probably a great option for you. During nursing school 2 years ago I was making roughly 15K/year, living, AND paying off my school as I went. I graduated with no debt, and no fi...
  12. Code rolee

    Agreed ktliz Take ACLS. It'll fix this problem you have...
  13. PA catheters/swan ganz

    Good info. The whole point is that the numbers which represent pressure are a indirect measurement of volume. We use the numbers to estimate how much volume is in that space and guide therapies from that point. And FYI, if your ICU uses them with any...
  14. Nicardipine gtt outside ED/Crit Care?

    It only depends on the policy of the hospital you work at. The stepdown I came from, we'd titrate Cardizem, Dopamine, Nitro and others. Not Nicardipine though. However, I don't see why we couldn't have done that too. It's just up to the facility
  15. proper IVP administration

    One way of adding a port in this scenario is to add one to the CVP. You should be able to add a 3 way stop-cock or some sort of additional port to the CVP line. If not, giving the med and flushing with 10mls is no problem through there. Just go off t...
  16. Trauma Centers- East Coast

  17. Levitas, I admire your compassion and willingness to give grace to people. I do think, however, in this instance that you're compassionate to a fault, which is to the point of enabling. Cheating is never okay. Ever. This is blatant, premeditated che...
  18. The Elephant in the Room

    Great post! Sometimes it's not so easy to identify who the elephant is.
  19. Nursing exam questions are terrible (according to science)

    The point isn't whether nursing is different than medicine, obviously it is. Obviously they are two different specialties. And yes, nursing does include both science and art - "physical science portions and those who prefer the psycho-social-spirtual...
  20. Trauma Centers- East Coast

    How's the unit? Are there many traumas each day? 9000 seems like a huge over-estimate. Maybe 9000 trauma calls, but traumas come in many shapes and sizes. A hand lac from a domestic dispute or a car vs pedestrian? So I guess my question is, are ther...
  21. The lowest O2 saturation I've ever seen

    Was there ever an ABG done when they were saturating that low? I'd be curious to know their PaO2. It's pretty crazy what young hearts can take despite the lack of O2 and other vital nutrients.
  22. Nursing exam questions are terrible (according to science)

    Giving drugs isn't just giving drugs. Once you're giving drugs on your own with your own license backing you up, you may see it differently. The example of whether or not to give the patient's regularly scheduled metoprolol when their heart rate is 5...
  23. Why do anesthesiologists make more than CRNAs?

    So if it is essentially the same amount being billed per case for either MDA AND CRNA (in ACT) or MDA OR CRNA (independent practices), then is there any financial incentive for hospitals to have one type of practice vs. the other (MDA only, CRNA only...
  24. Neuro ICU patient population?

    A couple not mentioned here... Guillain barre, Traumatic brain injury/poly trauma.
  25. Just wondering if there is a chance....

    It might be hard to walk into a per diem spot having been off so long, because they usually want someone who can immediately do the job without training. It seems to me that most people in per diem spots got there because they were full time in the s...