



All Content by Mully

  1. Get together at NTI 2014 Denver - Will You Be There??

    Dang this looks fun! Wish I could go. Here's a link that describes it for those who don't know... NTI2014 Home
  2. Is it because they can bill multiple cases at the same time within ACT practices? I've heard that reimbursement is the same for CRNAs or MDAs providing the anesthesia, is this true? In other words, if an independent CRNA performs the same case as an...
  3. OR nurse to ICU?

    The fact that you want to be challenged more means you will be a good ICU nurse. It's not as hard as you think. It just takes learning and practice. Do it!
  4. Jane Fitch MD, prior CRNA, now Anesthesiologist elected president ASA

    And this, really, is the main point, and the only one that matters. Say, hypothetically, that MDAs have to go through 12 or 20 years of anesthesia residency before they begin practicing. If the data keeps showing that CRNAs are just as safe as these ...
  5. question about to CRNA school

    I agree with everything ssrhythm just said. It's hard for me because I've always been one to pay for school as I go. I've always hustled and graduated with no debt. For anesthesia school though, short of having a 6 figure savings account or some othe...
  6. Working during RN-BSN program?

    It's a good plan, Jack! A young man with a vision and determination can do much. Stick to it, bro.
  7. You'll get an interview
  8. Hyperkalemia a ticking time bomb?

    It's hard to say if it is a big deal or not. I think you had the correct amount of concern. The problem is, lets say 49/50 patients don't have anything happen to them on a night like this, and the 50th one goes into VT. It becomes a game of risk tole...
  9. L&D RN --> CRNA

    I think that'd be a smooth transition. Keep in mind, going to the ICU, you should get a solid orientation with a lot of classroom time built in; e.g. ventilator management, hemodynamics, neuro/trauma/cardiac stuff depending on where you go etc. Are ...
  10. Marriage Housing CRNA

    My school basically says you can live in this dorm-like residency near campus (which I'm very skeptical about. I definitely don't want to end up rooming with an 18 year old), or they just give you a few sites to search for your own housing around the...
  11. Icu Nursing isn't for me help

    Hmmm.... this is quite interesting. Almost all the nurses I work with really do love the ICU. Personally, I consider it the best kind of nursing. I wouldn't want to do anything else, but then again, I am young and spry lol. From reading your posts, ...
  12. Top 10 Reasons We Get Fired: Sleeping on duty

    I didn't know that there were any facilities with these types of policies! And guess what? I guarantee you that somewhere in that same hospital there is a doctor sleeping on his or her paid time (in house call time) and is expected to immediately wak...
  13. How I got into CRNA school.

    I'm now in the same boat as you Angelrina! I applied to one school and was accepted. I will say I'm not really anxious about it though, maybe I should be lol. Most of my time is spent figuring out how I can cram 3 years worth of vacations into this u...
  14. Top 10 Reasons We Get Fired: Sleeping on duty

    A lot of us take naps on our break and let me tell you, it is SO refreshing. I honestly feel so much better for the rest of my shift. People say, "I'd never wake up" if they took a nap, and I thought that at first too, until I tried it. I'm a big tim...
  15. What do you fantasize about?

    That redhead I met in Colorado... ^Answering the question from the title... not from the OP lol.
  16. Lol welcome to nursing. I know a lot of CRNA students with 3.3-3.4ish GPAs. Don't be obsessive. Nursing still doesn't know how to grade "critical thinking" objectively so they just give everyone bad grades and move on. It is what it is. Do as best yo...
  17. I got in! Now what?

    I got in for this fall in Michigan!!! My goal is to cram 3 years worth of vacations into this summer :)
  18. Why you shouldn't become a nurse practitioner

    You missed it. The whole thing. There is no "trolling" going on here. This is a great piece written to a generation of up and comers that DO expect people to bow down, or that ARE looking for the CNA - DNP program online in no time, or that EXPECT to...
  19. Great Apps for Great Nurses

    Resuscitation! It's a game where you are the ER doc and you get a patient and have to do everything. At the end you get an overall score and it gives you great rational for everything you did and were supposed to do. I love it and I've learned a lot!
  20. CRNA prerequisites

    Mine are at a CC too. I'd verify with the school/schools you plan on applying to just to make sure.
  21. Continuous CVP and infusions

    There is a fourth option of having the stopcock turned off to nothing and all three ports open. This will allow you to infuse medications, while still obtaining a cvp number (which is inaccurate as the OP pointed out) with a crazy waveform sometimes....
  22. explaining my job to an outsider.

    Nice!!! There's no better nursing out there (in my opinion of course)! Just remember, pee when you need to. It's important for your long term bladder health . Your patients will live... hopefully...
  23. Route Guidance for BSN/RN wanting CRNA

    You're asking in order to get into CRNA school, should you get an MSN degree? No. You should do what all the other threads about becoming a CRNA say you should do. Get killer grades, work in an ICU for a few years, preferably a level 1 trauma center,...
  24. How I got into CRNA school.

    I'm at stage 2!!! Just found out today in the mail! Happy schooling
  25. Specialty Hospital ICU Experience

    I had an interview at a heart transplant ICU in Houston a while back. From the way it sounded, the entire building was just dedicated to heart transplants! I ended up being offered the job I currently have first (level 1 trauma SICU) a lot closer to ...