those of you who have already become certified, what educational materials did you find essential? there are so many resources out there and it is very confusing. i am interested in a self paced...
cabbage patch rn replied to ava'smomRN's topic in General Nursing
I recently had a similar opportunity. Let me tell you about my experience. I was working a prn job at my local hospital, very happy for the most part except the pay was less than desirable and the...
cabbage patch rn replied to cabbage patch rn's topic in Ob/Gyn
Thank you both for responding. I was beginning to think it was just me, since I have social anxiety...especially with new people and situations. Minou, your tips give me somthing to think about. I...
I have recently changed jobs. The OB job I was working was very demanding physically, but aside from the low pay, the BON violations, and the fact that I could barely walk out to my car at the end of...
cabbage patch rn replied to jkaee's topic in Ob/Gyn
Same thing happened here with my last 2 children. So I don't have any real good advice but wanted to let you know you're not alone. Breast babies just prefer their mommy and breast milk over a bottle...
cabbage patch rn replied to Limik's topic in General Nursing
I'm presently leaving a job having had similar problems. I work 12 hour shifts and feel lucky to get a 20 minute lunch break in that 12 hour period. I managed to put up with it for awhile, and I put...
cabbage patch rn replied to nurse4theplanet's topic in General Nursing
First of all, nursing school is nothing like what it will be like in the real world of nursing. You will have to practice for a few years in order to find out if it is for you or not. When I was in...
cabbage patch rn replied to RnAngl's topic in General Nursing
Living in a rural area, I have driven an hour to work before. It is do-able, but it is very tiring, especially if you work nights and have to drive home after a long horrid's hard to stay...
cabbage patch rn replied to dkarlin's topic in General Nursing
It usually IS a staffing issue, if there is no one to replace you, then you cannot take a break. And in most hospitals, getting administration to erect a closed cupboard for food/drinks is not...
cabbage patch rn replied to RNLaborNurse4U's topic in Ob/Gyn
The frequent practice of inductions is one of my greatest frustrations. I guess it wouldn't be quite so bad if they would actually wait until mom is actually due, but we have many, many inductions at...
cabbage patch rn replied to opus's topic in Ob/Gyn
What kills me is that the majority of women do not want all of these people around during their labor/delivery. The family members are usually just overbearing and pushy and insist on being in there....
cabbage patch rn replied to dkarlin's topic in General Nursing
We had the same rule where I used to work. What I don't get is the JCAHO rule is "no eating or drinking in patient care areas" so how is the desk a patient care area? You don't acutally take care of...
cabbage patch rn replied to cabbage patch rn's topic in General Nursing
Thanks for your suggestions. After reading, I'm thinking that now I need to figure out how to deal with my manager. She is VERY aware of this problem but her unique way of handling things is to turn...