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About babydeern

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  1. Advice on chemo teaching points

    Awesome points, thank you!
  2. Advice on chemo teaching points

    Hi fellow onc nurses! I've been working in outpatient chemo infusion for about a year now but I admit I still get nervous every time I get a new patient! I just can't seem to get my chemo teaching spiel down. Any advice? What are your main teaching p...
  3. Metallic taste/nausea with saline flushes

    When I worked inpatient if my patients complained of that taste, I would pull up the saline from those 10 ml plastic vials and the patients always said they didn't taste anything!
  4. Management perspective on applying for jobs in person?

    Thank you for your input I appreciate it. I think I'm just gonna do it!
  5. South Florida. . .are there ANY good hospitals??

    Hi! I'm looking for jobs in South Florida, considering Cleveland Clinic. Just wondering if you ended up making the switch? Thanks!
  6. I was just wondering how nurse managers feel about applying for a job in person? I just moved to a new city and there is a facility right down the street from me that I think I may like to work at. I have no connections here and have no way of findin...
  7. Hi all, I recently moved back to South Florida after spending a year doing travel nursing in NYC. I feel extremely lost and don't know what my next move should be. I feel very burned out from the bedside. I had a job lined up when I returned but I qu...
  8. Admissions RN duties?

    Hi there! I was just wondering if you ended up going for the admissions job? I'm also extremely burnt out from bedside nursing! I've just spent the past year travel nursing and am now looking for a new job. I do have 5 years of oncology experience bu...
  9. Best time to apply to Florida hospitals

    Luckily I have my BSN. I can't believe that ratio! That's scary. I'm used to 3-4. Thanks for the info!
  10. Best time to apply to Florida hospitals

    thank you so much for the info! i will definitely be in touch :)
  11. Best time to apply to Florida hospitals

    Did you end up moving to FL? I live in Orlando, have worked here 3 years and I actually want to move to NYC. I really liked your post on another thread and tried to reply to your comment but it wouldn't let me. This is what I posted: Hi NYCRN16, I fo...
  12. Moving to NYC, need advice!

    Hi NYCRN16, I found your post very helpful! $10,000 is the number I had in my had for savings prior to moving up there. You seem like you know the NYC job market and overall living experience very well...would you be able to answer a few questions fo...
  13. Uk trained nurse interested in working in America

    P.S. I actually want to work as a nurse in London and maybe go to graduate school there :)
  14. Uk trained nurse interested in working in America

    Hi there! I have been working as a nurse in Orlando for about 2 years now. As far as the visas/immigration stuff I'm not all that familiar...but basically in order to work as a nurse in the states you must past the NCLEX (
  15. Hello there! My name is Daniela. I'm 24 years old and have been practicing as a RN for a little over a year now. I'm starting to think about my long-term goals and am considering going to NP school (I currently have my BSN). I have always been fond o...