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All Content by Potassium

  1. Advice for first day

    Just wondering if anyone could offer any good advice regarding training for the first week of residency?
  2. Advice for first day

    Thank you!! Great advice!!
  3. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    Hey guys, for those of you that got offered a position and would like to be facebook friends send me a private message. I'm moving from out of town and would love to meet fellow new grads during this transition =) My orientation starts in March!!!
  4. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    sorry for the typo lol i meant excited as I am!
  5. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    Is anyone as excited am I? lol It's truely a blessing!!!!!! I hope to work and see many of you during our New Grad Experience!
  6. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    Tried the trick!! 75 questions!!
  7. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    Congratualtions to everyone that's gotten offered positions! Yay newRNAllie! =) Good luck to those that have upcoming interviews! So has anyone heard when we start our paper work/orientation?
  8. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    I think reimbursement is only for relocation (anything greater than 250 miles one can recieve $1,500) but wouldn't hurt to ask regarding flight/hotel expenses =)
  9. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    Interview tips- be confident, let your personality shine:-) when it comes to interviewing every unit has their own style. don't be surprised if it's a panel interview, expect the unexpected.Review the standard behavioral interview questions with spec...
  10. plz help me to prepare for rn interview?

    TooterAI - congratulations!! I was also offered a postion! Let me tell you, the interviewer's asked me three of the exact same questions mentioned above! I also believe CONFIDENCE and one's PERSONALITY is the key to landing a job!
  11. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    I was offered a position (by phone call) last night from the unit manager at SM =) If your interested in the specific unit, just PM me. Hang in there guys and have confidence! Wish everyone the best of luck!! Also for those that will be offered a pos...
  12. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    Hi Nurseteee! I was wondering if I could ask you some questions as well =) I sent you a PM, hopefully you get it, I'm new to all this as well...
  13. Random Question

    Wow that alarms me, she clearly does not have the correct training to start IV lines.
  14. Help! Phone interview for pacu position!?

    It's hard not letting your nerves get to you but the more relaxed you are the easier it will be to think critically and articulate what the interviewer has asked. Best of luck!! Prove to them you are the RIGHT candidate for the job!
  15. advice needed

    Try to get your foot in the door, perphaps volunteering in a unit of interest if you can't land a job right away. I also would brush up on the subjects that you were difficult for you. It's vital to keep up with the nursing knowledge regardless if yo...
  16. plz help me to prepare for rn interview?

    TooterAI, great response! This will definitely help me prepare for my upcoming interview as well. I hope you are offered the job!!
  17. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    Congratulations MisscaliRN!! That is amazing!! =)
  18. UCLA new RN residency program 2010

    I mean't unavailable! opps sorry for the typo! Don't lose hope guys! The week just started =)
  19. UCLA new RN residency program 2010

    To be honest I am unsure either, all she said was that these units (to be more specific my top two were Adult ICU & ER) were availablefor interviews. However I do not know about any other specialized ICU's such as NICU, MICU etc. Hence she asked...
  20. UCLA new RN residency program 2010

    Hey Casey11! How was your interview? Mines next week!! When the nurse recruiter called me she said ICU & ER were unavailable and asked me to pick my next choice.
  21. UCLA new RN residency program 2010

    Just received my phone call! =)
  22. UCLA new RN residency program 2010

    I was informed by a friend that priority for interviews are given to internal applicants first? Not sure if that's 100% accurate.....however I know for a fact from HR that candidates will be contacted ( if given the opporunity to move forward ) by th...
  23. UCLA New Grad Program 2010

    Congratulations on the job offer persistancepays! ...Thanks for the update also! =)
  24. urgent advice

    I am deeply sorry about your loss, I know how it feels to lose a loved one during stressful life events. My uncle had suddenly passed away from a pulmonary embolism, two weeks later my grandmother had passed away from a CVA, which was also unexpected...
  25. UCLA new RN residency program 2010

    No problem guys! I'm also not sure regarding the interview with the senior nurse recruiter, didn't receive any info about that....