Deborah Ann

Deborah Ann

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About Deborah Ann

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  1. Would you consider a home birth?

    NICU nurses, Are you saying that most of the babies in the NICU are homebirths gone bad? Thank you for your input! Deborah
  2. Graduation fund raiser

    our expenses include renting a building at the fair grounds where graduation will be held, as well as decorations. i'm sure what else there is but i 'm sure there's more. :wink2: thank you for all your suggestions! i have found this site to be very...
  3. Graduation fund raiser

    Hello Everyone! I am about to finish my first semester of an ADN program. We are needing to raise money to pay for graduation expenses. Do any of you have any suggestions? Thank you! Deborah Ann:balloons:
  4. Can we get a roll call for Jan 06 beginning nursing students?

    Me Too!!! I'm starting my ADN program on January 11th. I have orientation tomorrow. I am very excited. I will be graduating December of 2007. That means, if all goes well, I will be graduating next year!!! Best wishes to all of you!:chuckle
  5. What are the item(s) you need most for nursing school?

    Hello! I have so enjoyed this thread and everyone's input! I start my ADN progran on January 11th. I made a list of many of your ideas and will begin purchasing/implementing them today! Also. thanks to the thread on PDA's and your wonderful input...
  6. Introductions:"New" and "Old" Students.

    Hello! It's great to read about fellow nursing students. I am new to this site. It seems wonderful. I start ADN program in January 2006. Like the rest of you, I can't wait!!! Deborah:nurse: