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All Content by TC3200

  1. Diploma vs Associates degree school?

    The only bad thing about a diploma program vs. an associate degree is that if you flunk out or have to relocate and resume your training at a different RN school for any reason, the diploma RN classes other than Nursing I that's pretty standard every...
  2. Diploma vs Associates degree school?

    You'd have to look at the specific programs to determine what college classes are required. Mostly, they are the same. The diploma schools beefed up their college course requirements so that it's equivalent to the associate degree. Diploma may s...
  3. Shocked by facial piercings at work

    Nope, I am very serious about that. And I have quite excellent health, as well as two self sufficient parents who are in their 80s in excellent health, so it's not usually necessary for me or my relatives to require any hospital services. But you c...
  4. Shocked by facial piercings at work

    ^ I concur with that. If you make yourself a billboard, Folks, then BE PREPARED for a good number of people to flat-out tell you that we don't like your message, and you will be discriminated against at least some of the time. If you want to go o...
  5. An unsubmitted form can't be counted as anything else, I would presume. It is just logged as not received, but not counted as negative. I concur with that article. The survey should be for internal use only, by someone qualified to know the trivi...
  6. Need help struggling in math will i ever get in?

    ^ Something like that is what a lot of RN programs use, instead of college algebra. Rio Salado has med terminology, as two 4-week classes. This school is a bit pricy, but it's always available.
  7. Need help struggling in math will i ever get in?

    The basic math that you need to know for dosage calcs is covered by a book such as a GED Math Review book. Quadratic equations and square and cube roots and all that stuff from algebra are not necessary, so just struggle through it and get it off yo...
  8. Washington Hospital school of Nursing

    The class of 2012 started as perhaps 60 people, and there are 39 graduates pictured in the Class of 2012 class portrait on the Washington Health System School of Nursing Facebook page. Without making a detailed study of it, I believe there are 4 stu...
  9. Shocked by facial piercings at work

    Somehow unprofessional! How could it ever be considered professional! As one of "the older generation" who is still very cognizant, sensible, and practical, I find your comment offensive. Allow me to explain why I feel that look is unprofessiona...
  10. The program that I was enrolled in was a diploma school that was run by a hospital. It was an old-fashioned program that started in the days when students lived at the hospital in dorms, worked in the hospital, and RN school was their whole life. T...
  11. Clinical Preps Rant

    Maybe you are going into too much detail on the labs? Try to look at the "10,000 foot view" first, the really big picture, not much detail, and then prioritize which lab tests are the MOST important or most relevant to the patient's condition ON TH...
  12. Waynesburg 2nd degree nursing program

    Heads up for you people from out of state: Are you folks planning to live in the dorms or "other" university housing? If not, you need to be hunting a place to live, pronto. The Marcellus shale gas business has taken up all of the rental housing...
  13. Backing out of RN school

    Every time I hear some ditzy repeat of that prattle, AI just have to get out the crowbar and give somebody a few good whacks. Nursing ed is a marvel of drivel and inefficiency. This is especially true if you directly compare it to accounting, e...
  14. Degree Options -- Pathways

    Job market depends on location. Rural areas and low-income locales are still hiring new grad associate degree and diploma school RNs. Some hospitals are kicking out all the LPNs and replacing them with associate degree RNs. Some hosps are only hir...
  15. Learn A&P very well so that you know what the parts are called and how the body systems work. It will never go away. You need to know it very well to do well in the nursing classes, is my opinion. Also, I found A&P and the nursing classes ...
  16. Is a $13,000 LPN program worth it?

    I'm in NW PA and every county Vo-tech here plus two over across the line in OH offer LPN programs that are 12 months and a total cost of $11,000 was the norm in 2009-2010, so it's probably higher now. In 2005-2006, the cost for LPN was $8000 - $9000...
  17. The weak stomach stuff probably will go away very fast, or at least it did for me. Something changes your perspective when you are in the clinical setting, in the job role, I guess. You focus on the patient, not on your own emotions. I'm not in nur...
  18. Not feeling it, right now!!

    If the rest of the students were not dismissed for plagiarism, then you should be able to legally fight that as grounds for dismissal, I'd presume. But what is the school's policy about failing / repeating courses? If the school allows you to only f...
  19. Were you "SMART" before Nursing School?!

    Yes, and I am still smart after leaving it, haha. But I am science and technology smart, and tech and pure science come very easily and quickly to me, as does math, computers, mechanical skills, and a knack for being able to breeze thorough any of ...
  20. Getting hired with an associates degree?

    Your chances depend on your location, the local supply/demand situation for nurses, and just how many colleges there are pumping out BSRNs. The trends have been urban areas with a steady supply of BSRN new-grads are not hiring associate degrees. Bu...
  21. Can anyone give me the essential differences between the content of LPN training vs. R.N. training? I am looking for an educator's input, or the real0life experience of someone who has attempted or completed both. I was in a diploma RN program that...
  22. The GRE, this hard??

    My ex-husband did poorly on it the first time but bought a computer based GRE test prep program and he practiced and practiced with that thing and pulled his score up amazingly the second time he took the GRE. He said it really helped.
  23. Esme12 made a very good point. Since 2008, there has been downward pressure on wages. Hospitals have closed and consolidated facilities and laid off many people. I heard from two local R.N.s who'd been in the field over 25 years and were at the to...
  24. I believe that the man mentioned CAREER CHANGE. He did not say he's never had a job or that he doesn't already have a career. Many adults in the non-medical professions DO continue their education WHILE WORKING. The man also said he'd gotten degre...
  25. Let me enligten you about the HESI A2.

    chelechele, I just *love* your avatar. You are just going to be so much trouble in RN school, Little Missy, what with that snarl and insolent attitude and cigarette, and all. >;-D For those having difficulties with math, I ran across this inter...