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About LorahrtsLPN

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  1. ATT long wait..

    I JUST GOT MY ELIGIBILITY LETTER FROM THE BON!!! Oh thank sweet jesus! Now to get my ATT and schedule a test date soon!!!
  2. ATT long wait..

    THATS SO GREAT TO HEAR!! I pray to god I get it soon too! I'm getting so desperate, and am constantly refreshing my inbox for that ATT. I NEED to test soon, in order to apply for endorsment in the state my dream job is waiting for me. I'm just so sca...
  3. ATT long wait..

    I'm currently experiencing the exact same issue. I graduated May 14th, and had everything submitted by May 23. Mind you this is in the state of Virginia. It's is now June 23rd and no ATT yet. I've called the BON and emailed as well with no luck as to...