

Surgery, Med/Surg/ICU, OB-Peds, Ophth

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All Content by LoopsRN2

  1. When is your cpne test date?

    I am excited for your weekend! In hindsight now, I realize that the wait time did go by faster than I thought. Enjoy your night out!
  2. When is your cpne test date?

    Bumping up the thread; It looks like Beachie & Westpalm are next in 2 weeks! Good luck guys!
  3. 08/29-09/02

    Hey MsPC! Not much new here! Starting Tina's care plans 9/1, EC documentation class and I am going to bite the bullet and do EC workshop in Madison 10/18...My mnemonics are memorized, and I seem to have a pretty good grip on the PCS but I just feel ...
  4. Passed cpne in syracuse on 8/26-28/2011!!!!!

    I already told you on fb, but again a big whoo hooo :w00t::w00t: The stress of leaving family, traveling and top it off with storms & flight changes, you had quite a weekend! Thank you for all of your support and emails here on allnurses. I fee...
  5. Any CPNE news from dslpninla?

    All good news :) with the exception of airline issues...lol
  6. Excelsior MSN?

    Way to go Lunah!
  7. CPNE-ERS, please critique

    Sorry to throw this here, not much response on EPN right now. PCS#1. Osteo arthritis & RT total knee, 1 day post op 1) acute pain r/t surgery AEB verbalizing pain 4-6 on a 0-10 verbal pain scale *The patient will report pain of 3 or less *The...
  8. CPNE-ERS, please critique

    Tina, have you heard of recycled IV tubing getting stiff and not working right (or minibags/tubing getting stuck to primary tubing??) I can only get a drip rate of 25-30 gtt/min with my tubing I bought from another student, and I think I am the 3rd o...
  9. CPNE-ERS, please critique

    Thanks for the update! I am looking at pocketnurse.com right now for my IV Supplies, and they also have a inject-pad for IM & SQ for $21. Did these usually come in the CPNE skills kit? I will check out amazon now.
  10. Passed CPNE @ Albany Medical Center

    Sorry to hear this Traci, where did you test? Did you appy for another date yet?
  11. Passed CPNE @ Albany Medical Center

    Did you use Tina's, Robs or your own mnemonics? Thanks for the feedback, I can put on the "performance" pretty good here at home now, but the craziest things are coming into my head, like bowel sounds--my son has one constant bowel sound! I need t...
  12. Passed CPNE @ Albany Medical Center

    First, WAY TO GO! I can almost feel like I am there when you guys post such great details in your journals. You had some interesting turn of events, and it is really helpful to read about the things that you are not expecting that can pop up in t...
  13. CPNE workshops??? HELP!!!

    I submitted mine last week via the message center, I believe on Monday and I still have not heard back. I got my PCS1 from Nursing Discussion board>Associate Degree>Patient Care Scenario (right under the CPNE EPN BOARD) I thought we could also...
  14. CPNE date

    Gosh, I have no idea how I am doing! :rolleyes: I am still memorizing mnemonics and I have changed them somewhat. I am reviewing all of my math, getting new IV supplies (my kit was used and all tubing is STUCK together), sending in my second care ...
  15. Leaving for Utica today:

    First of all, welcome home! You passed One PCS and the rest of your labs, and now you have the advantage of knowing a little of what to expect! Hang in there with your great attitude! My heart goes out to you because I know exactly how I would feel...
  16. LS1 and ECGs

    I posted almost the exact same question about 6 months ago. Make sure you understand ECGs, what changes may be seen in different disease processes but I don't believe actually interpreting ECGs is in the scope of practice for the exam but may needed...
  17. CPNE date

    Ahhh!! We are testing the same weekend, only about 1500 miles apart Congrats on getting your date! Where are you at in your studying?
  18. Leaving for Utica today:

    I am so excited for you!! You sound just perfect Hang on to that control and a little adrenaline! You know all of us are back here cheering you on for whatever support you may need! :hug:
  19. CPNE....

    You will do GREAT! Have a wonderful weekend and make sure to come back and tell us all the stories :)
  20. I failed LS3 TWICE, warning venting enclosed!

    It sure seems like you have got some great resources Tasha! One more that I ran into when studying for Transitions that I REALLY likes: http://www.quizlet.com I think it was, along the lines of flashcard exchange but I liked the format better.
  21. I failed LS3 TWICE, warning venting enclosed!

    Hey Tasha! Did you ever take your own notes as you went along with your readings? The content guide is a little bizarre too and threw my study plan for lS3 a bit. In the Basic Concepts section of the content guide, I broke down every section with ...
  22. I finally have a date!! They were not kidding when they said November, but at least it is something. Hoping for an October or mid sept cancel! Studying with the 18th Edition as soon as my new laptop cord arrives. Ok guys....here we go :)
  23. CPNE date 11/4/2011 St Mary's Madison WI

    Welcome!!! I am still in the early stages of prepping; I have Rob's CD, read through the study guide, sending my care plans in to EC, signing up for Tina's care plan conference next month, memorizing my mnemonics, EC documentation conference and MOC...
  24. CPNE Notes From An EC grad

    I think the critical elements are still very relevant, we just need to go through and tweak where would like to! I like your explanations of care plans and I :redbeathe LOVE :redbeathe your breakdown of the grid, something I desperately needed! We...
  25. CPNE Notes From An EC grad

    Bumping up some CPNE Notes :) They are dated, but still have some mnemonics, grid, advice, etc :) Many thanks for those that put this together!