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About LovelyInPink

LovelyInPink specializes in Telemetry.

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  1. New nurse jobs in GR

    The 3 main hospitals in the Grand Rapids area are Spectrum Health (2 hospital campuses - Butterworth and Blodgett plus a ton of rehab and skilled nursing facilities), Mercy Health, and Metro Health. I'm not sure if you are going for your ADN or BSN b...
  2. Feel like I don't know anything

    Mindiianajones, congratulations on your new position! I recently graduated last month and started working as a nurse on the same unit where I worked as a CNA for years. If your unit is anything like mine, the nurses are not going to expect you to kno...
  3. First Day Ever as RN

    I don't have much to add to your list but from one new grad to another I want to say congratulations! You will learn a ton. I just graduated last month and started working as a graduate nurse a few days after graduation and have already learned a ton...

    If anyone is searching for the turnaround time in Michigan for the BON to post license numbers, this fast time still holds true. I took my NCLEX at 8 AM this morning and around 16:15 I received an email from LARA that contained a copy of my RN licens...
  5. NCLEX June 2018

    You will do great! Wishing you nothing but luck!!
  6. NCLEX June 2018

    I purchased Uworld near the middle of February and did a few questions daily while still in the nursing program. I graduated April 28th and after that date, I increased the number of Uworld questions I did daily. I actually did not finish the whole Q...
  7. NCLEX June 2018

    I had 20 SATA, 3 pictures (as in picture options as A,B, C,D...not hotspot), no audio, 1 EKG strip (which was fine with me since I've been working as a graduate nurse on a telemetry unit since my graduation last month), and a lot of prioritization qu...
  8. NCLEX June 2018

    I live in Michigan and for some reason they post results super fast. I took my NCLEX at 8 this morning and I just got an email from the Michigan BON stating my RN license has been issued!! I'm officially an RN!! So happy. Uworld has been nothing but ...
  9. NCLEX June 2018

    I also took mine this morning and mine shut off at 76 questions! Took me about an hour and 20 minutes. You got done in half an hour??? You must have been speeding! Lol. I am also waiting for my results. Best of luck to us!
  10. MI NCLEX/BoN

    Thank you so much for this information. I take my NCLEX the day after memorial day and a few fellow nurses at work were telling me not to pay for quick results since Michigan posts the licenses so fast. I wasn't sure if that was just their experience...
  11. NCLEX June 2018

    I also am taking my NCLEX the day after memorial day. Best of luck to us! I'll be looking forward to our posts about passing!!
  12. GRCC Nursing Students 2017

    A total of a little under 3 years if my memory serves me right. I believe I received my letter to set up my educational development plan about 2.5 years after I took the HESI and then I started the program January 2017. I'm actually getting ready to ...
  13. 4.0 in nursing school?

    While I do agree that it can depend on the school one goes to, the school I attend actually sets a higher bar than the other area schools. One needs to maintain an 80% or higher in order to progress through the program while other area schools allow ...
  14. How important is it to get a BSN?

    Like many others that posted, I would have to say that obtaining a BSN is very important but when and how you go about obtaining that BSN depends on where you live. Where I reside, all of the area hospitals are still hiring ADN prepared nurses. As a ...
  15. 4.0 in nursing school?

    DBradley514 I have to tell you that it IS possible to hold on to a 4.0 while in nursing school. I just finished my 2nd semester in an ADN program and I have gotten nothing but A's in all of my classes. I also have 4 kids (7, 4, and a set of 1 year ol...