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All Content by Calalilynurse

  1. What About my License?

    I'd renew to be safe until you hit social security age. Better safe than sorry. Sometimes the board has links to free or low cost ceus or you could find some approced ones on line.
  2. How to survive Pre-nursing

    Maybe your not studying based on how you learn. There are tests you can take to determine your learning style that provide helpful hints on what study methods may work best for you. The goal is 3 hours of study for every 1 hour of class time. Dont s...
  3. Biology degree to BSN

    A few of the older 20s with families crowd had a biology degree when I was in nursing school. Most important thing do well in prerequisites. Being already accepted usually does help my nursing school favored its own students and graduates but you st...
  4. Scholorships/Grants

    Try the FAFSA it can't hurt. But I have heard from nurses I work with that local ADN programs in Alabama including Wallace and Jeff State and now Bevill will not give federal student loans to students that already have a bachelors or loans from a 4 y...
  5. There is actually an all nursea article on this site from 2014 with a list of programs. It cam up when I googled something like what rn to bsn programs take students from for profit colleges. It should also come up if you use the search feature on AN...
  6. I never went to one but sometimes nationally accredited schools have a local partner thay accepts their students. In my area troy accepts fortis students into their rn to bsn. Call the school and see if they have a local partner. You could also call ...
  7. New FNP working in Women's Health. Overwhelmed

    Not an NP but all new things take time. It's good they are providing you with orientation and resources. Ask if they will watch you do a procedure the first time. I'm sure you'll be great don't give up.
  8. Do I take my first job offer?? HELP

    Congratulations. I think its a great choice especially since its in a area you want to work. My hospital's base pay for new grads is about that in alabama. Its completely livable especially since you said you don't have to work about student loans. ...
  9. Scholorships/Grants

    Sorry its so long hope it helps.
  10. Scholorships/Grants

    Go to the school financial aid office or the nursing school to see if they have a scholarship application. Only ones I ever got where from there. Local hospitals in Alabama also have scholarships if in nursing school currently on plan on pursuing a ...
  11. Options after RN

    Education or informatics that's about it. Sometimes you can break into both with a bachelors as long as your not teaching at the university level.
  12. Is it safe going into RT?

    I'd wait until he retires and go to RN school there are more jobs plain and simple. my hospital has 3-4 RT at night for 150 beds and they get called off due to low census sometimes. I've worked nights where we had 2 in the whole hospital and they hav...
  13. ABSN rejection letter. How to cope?

    Complete the classes and apply again. Apply to more than one school. Apply to traditional (non-accelerated) bsn programs or adn programs. There are many paths to getting an RN. It may be a blessing in disguise that you didn't get in right know. We a...
  14. Preceptor burnout

    I'm sorry your being forced to continually precept when you need a break. At least let the manager know you need a break for a few months. Precepting students is a choice where I work and education or the manager has to ask you. You just don't come i...
  15. So many options, direction needed please!!!

    Have you considered case management. It usually doesn't require a masters and you get away from the bedside. I doubt the pay bump would be significant but the hours are usually 8-5 or 12 hour shift. Organ procurement like the previous poster suggest...
  16. Most RN programs require English como. Every BSN that I have heard of requires statistics. Did you check your local brick and mortar community colleges and 4 year schools or just online schools.
  17. Graduate Schools

    That's better than my neck of the woods. A public onlj ne np is $40 - 45 k.
  18. job for bsn without rn

    She's 100% correct.
  19. My nursing school is not accredited.

    You can just pass nclex. It may requiring studying harder. There may be licensing or continuing education problems for BSN or MSN programs. Some jobs will not hire you some hospital s even have accredited schools they do not hire from based on prefe...
  20. How to protect yourself from infections after work?

    I work on peds too I don't do all that. Wipe your phone if it makes you feel better because everyone is not clean that touches the computers and phones. I just try and take a shower after work. I am rarely sick.
  21. Nursing Grad without Experience Looking for a job... HELP!

    Take it. Experience is experience and it'll possibly help you get your foot in the door elsewhere and hopefully lead to fulltime.
  22. White Scrubs and That "Time of the Month".

    Our nursing school scrubs were white too. Never had a real problem except occasionally bleeding on the inside seam. I change my pads often and got those disposable always wipes and carry a tide to go pen. Also take extra underwear which I never thoug...
  23. Be honest: do you feel valued by your employer?

    No. We no longer receive critical need bonus for coming in extra when units are 2 or more nurses short. We get a tacky $20 giftcard for Christmas which this year they taxed as a fringe benefits. We get bucks to trade in for rewards giftcards, meal t...
  24. Ob nurse to FNP?

    I think you'd be a shoe-in. I know well baby nurses that have made it through they did have previous aduadult experience but not in the past 2-3 years. None of them had acls but they did have nrp and stable.
  25. Student Nurse negotiating on pay after graduation.