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All Content by LegzRN

  1. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    I guess you can borrow it, considering I found it whilst browsing the net during my shift, in between surfing ebay and shopping on Amazon in search of those cute little buttons to put in my Crocs.
  2. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    ER Nurses’ tears cure cancer. Too bad we never cry. ER nurses can count to infinity - twice. An ER nurse sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled nursing ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, the ER ...
  3. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    No, we're too busy adjusting our aviator sunglasses that we wear at night, our shoulder holster rig that carries our trauma shears and extra tape, and European style trauma fanny packs that houses our Ipad2.
  4. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    fixed it for you. i am ready for my worms now.
  5. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    I will only accept said worms if you also offer me a "happy nurses week" and not a "happy hospitals week."
  6. What can the prehospital crews do in your area?

    I learned this technique in both PALS and APLS with real UVs... the chief ER doc pulled them out of this slimy goo, nasty. I practiced it 4 or 5 times, but believe me, I never, ever, want to do it in real life.
  7. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    One time an ER nurse looked at me the wrong way and my whole week was ruined.
  8. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    Are we done bashing the ER yet? We get it, ER nurses are the meanies and floor nurses are the victims in this horrible machine. Can we get on to something more useful, like why my week-long nurses week was renamed hospitals week?!?! But thanks for...
  9. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    You totally left out the @ssless leather chaps and bandoliers filled with caprujects of dilaudid, morphine, and ativan.
  10. There are accelerated BSN programs for those who hold an undergraduate degree in another field. If you didn't get in, you could consider that option. Don't believe the hype of the "nursing shortage." Browse this site for a minute and you'll find t...
  11. If your ultimate goal is to become a physician, just go to med school. Nursing school will not prepare you with the classes needed to excel in med school (organic and inorganic chems, multiple biology classes, physics, etc etc etc)
  12. We see tons of threads like this... but has there ever been any success stories from RN to MD/DO? I would love to see one.
  13. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    kidding, friend
  14. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    ER nurses think they're cool because they wear sunglasses at night, because the sun never sets on a bad@ss
  15. 'Just a med/surg nurse'

    To add on this.. I hate when I hear people say "I'm 'just' a nurse." If you're a nurse then I know that you poured your heart, soul, and body into at least 2 extremely demanding, infuriating, and painstaking years of your life, and for that, you sho...
  16. Why am I now the enemy?

    ER nurse = public enemy number 1 Welcome to the zoo.
  17. What can the prehospital crews do in your area?

    I'm just astounded that they are not allowed to pace. Sorry Mr. 3rd degree heart block, enjoy your death. I was talking to a medic I used to work with back in South West PA and he said they can't use RSI either because of the quality of the medics d...
  18. African Americans as nurses.

    Hey all nurses, is it okay for me to be a RN if I have a third nipple? Just wonderin...
  19. I have never once received a patient intubated via rapid sequence induction from the field.
  20. Haha, a little therapeutic intubation? Just wondering, do trucks run with succ? Do you do RSI? I have had patients arrive via EMS post versed administration to calm them down.
  21. Was she drunk? Because haldol is a no no in acute intoxication, although I've seen it given to drunk people and work. And unless they had a standing protocol, they'd have to call med command.
  22. How does Safe Harbor work??

    I did a google search and found how to request a safe harbor in texas... but no such luck for your state, TN http://www.bon.texas.gov/practice/pdfs/SHPR-CompRequest.pdf
  23. Would this kind of role be possible in the US?

    The United States Air Force has a position very similar to this known as an IDMT (Independent Duty Medical Technician).
  24. vitamin k injection in adults

    Are you talking about IM, SQ, IV? If IV, don't do it! Either refuse, or dilute it in a mini bag and run over 15-30 minutes.
  25. Most competitive fields to get into?

    I've always heard that L&D is difficult to get into.