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All Content by LegzRN

  1. We have a prayer that plays at 9pm... right at the height of ER madness...
  2. E.R Security

    Funny enough, I used to work in a little community hospital that saw a decent amount of people in the ER (about 55,000/year). This was in a low income area where crazy stuff would happen constantly. Our hospital actually had its own police force. ...
  3. IV draw vs Lab draw?

    My hospital says it's an infection control issue. They have also eliminated all phlebotomists from the staff. Blood draws is now entirely a nursing task.
  4. 1st question to my patients: Have you ever had an IV before? If yes, where's the best place to put one? They'll tell you, believe me. And then 95% will tell you they're a tough stick and they'll start throwing out jargon like, my veins roll, are dee...
  5. You've been a nurse for like a hot second... ya know, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  6. Nuvigil

    Just heard about this drug on a radio ad. I work night shift, and sometimes feel I fall into the **** work sleep disorder problem. Anyone take this or know someone who does? Before the hounds attack me, I don't expect to go to my PCP and inquire ab...
  7. Tattoo cover up

    I have one on my left wrist that is mostly covered up with wristwatch. Then again, it is white ink and not very noticeable in the first place.
  8. Sexist Comment by Unit Director

  9. Pathway to (UGH) Excellence?

    Not to be lame, but I do actually use it on the non-emergent bullsh!t patients that come in. One of my jobs is in a high income area (household income ~120k/year) and when I do my little :redbeathe mind :redbeathe spiel, they treat me a little less ...
  10. Nurses Masquerading As Doctors (INSULTING)

    what a turd.
  11. Nurses Masquerading As Doctors (INSULTING)

    Just another doc who's all butt hurt over the fact that I get paid $50 an hour, am not on call, don't have to answer the phone at all hours of the night on my days off, and have a life outside of my work.
  12. Pathway to (UGH) Excellence?

    Our CNO gave us ER nurses this "heart mind heart" thinking process speech. She told us that when someone comes into the ED with a complaint of pain, instead of instinctively asking the questions we're trained to ask (onset provocation, palliation, q...
  13. asystole then DC

    Wonder what other fun activities cause her to pause like that.
  14. asystole then DC

    Yeah in my hospital she'd be admitted to the ICU, or should I say admitted to the emergency department as a hold
  15. Medication administration in deltoid muscle

    I was taught that you can admin 2-3ml in the delt and up to 5ml in the larger muscles. Toradol in the delt hurts like a mother, and solumedrol should only be administered via DEEP IM
  16. CEN Practice Questions

    Are you currently working? Jeez, it's less than a hundred buck and, as I see it, it's a pretty good investment IMHO. Loosen those purse strings Ebeneezer Scrooge.
  17. ER Admission Holds

    Hello all ER girls and boys, I work nights at a level 2 trauma center that sees around 75k patients annually. A problem we have is that by the time night shift rolls around at 11pm, we begin to hold admissions down in the ER because of no beds upsta...
  18. CEN Practice Questions

    If you pay the 50 or 75 bucks, you can get ones from the BCEN website. It comes as a few practice tests that you can retake as many times as you want, and they're worth ~6ceus a piece.
  19. Need 'banana bag' help...Acute ETOH Withdrawal

    Used to work with a Polish ER doc that would order a banana bag wide open
  20. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    This thread should die.
  21. Hats, err, caps off to those of you...

    I thought this thread was going to be about nurses who chart in ALL CAPS!
  22. IV ADMIN

    you mean grams?
  23. An open letter to the ER triage nurse

    You mean she didn't even give you a urine specimen cup?!
  24. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    This thread has morphed from a rant about ER nurses to feline companionship. I :redbeathe nursing dynamics!
  25. Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    Really. True story that I made up.