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  1. Dcccd 2006

    Thank you for sharing! ((hugs)) Does your child go to PPCD? My DD (she's 3) goes to PPCD twice a week. NurseSomeday, I know what you mean! I'm DYING to find out. I've even had dreams about it! LOL
  2. Dcccd 2006

    Michelle, Congrats on going back! If you don't mind, what genetic disorder does she have? My daughter also has a genetic disorder.
  3. Dcccd 2006

    To calculate GPA: A=4 pts B=3 pts c=2 pts You multiply the points you earned by how many hours that particular class was. Here's yours: A&P: 4 (4 hour credit class) x 3 (since you got a B)= 12 English 1301: 3 (3 hour class) x 4=12 College Alge...
  4. Dcccd 2006

    After all that spiel and then you choose the option to speak to someone? I first chose Linda Anderson but it went back to the beginning. So, then I chose the 2nd person on the list.
  5. Dcccd 2006

    Can you tell?? :rotfl: I called! She said just to hold onto it. She said that an applicant won't be denied because of not having the CPR card. WHEW!!!!
  6. Dcccd 2006

    OK, I'm going to give her a call..I won't have it until 9/30.
  7. Dcccd 2006

    And I included a copy of the receipt showing that I am taking that class on 9/30.. I was planning on faxing a copy. When I talked to her and Linda, they said it wasn't required but we HAD to have it before clinicals.
  8. Dcccd 2006

    You think I should call even though I already talked to her and Charlotte Green before I turned it in? YIKES!! That is scary!!
  9. Dcccd 2006

    OK, thanks, I feel better now..I'm just a little on edge waiting for October as I'm sure all of us are ! :rotfl: I hate when I do that, I start doubting myself, Did I do everything right? Did I forget something? Ugggh, C'mon October and get here al...
  10. Dcccd 2006

    Crap, do you think they would deny me for not having the CPR card? I hope they don't, especially since I called and Linda and the Asst dean said it would be ok that I didn't have it with my app, but to do it asap.
  11. Dcccd 2006

    AWWW Man!!! :rotfl:
  12. Dcccd 2006

    AFter I'm done, I'm going to take it down there. I put a copy of my receipt saying that I'm taking it 9/30, and after I'm done I plan on taking it to the Health Occupation office. Hey, as far as the Spanish, watch Dora!! :rotfl: Kalynn (my 3yr old) ...
  13. Dcccd 2006

    The CPR card..I don't have mine yet. I called and asked if we needed it for the application and she said no but to get it ASAP. I'm getting it 9/30.
  14. Dcccd 2006

    Hi Amy!! Everyone that I've talked to said to get as many support courses as you can out of the way. So, if you're able, I'd go ahead and get Micro done. I have to re take Micro, it's already been over 5 years
  15. Dcccd 2006

    Me too!! Yeah, it's been 10 years for me too. I guess it took me getting married and having a kiddo to take things seriously. Doesn't drive you nuts when you see people who just don't care? And the sad part was a lot of them wanted to go to nursing ...
  16. Dcccd 2006

    Hmm..can't have a siggy I guess. Only for premium members? Oh well.
  17. Dcccd 2006

    Ugggggh, I'm so nervous about it. I am nervous about the clinicals (course I hope I get i first! :chuckle ). I'm going to see if I can find a countdown timer thingy so we can all know how many days we have left :chuckle
  18. Southwestern Adventist???

    I have friends that live in Keene and went to this college. I have thought about going there, but I'm not too thrilled about taking the religion courses as I am not that same religion. I'm in Midlothian, and it takes about 30 min to get to Keene (we...
  19. Dcccd 2006

    Thanks for posting!! I wonder though, what is an acceptable credit score?? My credit isn't the greatest.
  20. Any of you have a bad past?

    Yeah, I've been in the same situation. Pretty much the same as you, graduated in 94, went straight to college. Didn't do too hot. Went back home, took some classes and just really didn't care as long as I got a C, I was happy. There were some classes...
  21. Dcccd 2006

    Really? I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one in this situation. I agree, it will make us appreciate getting in even more. Hope everyone's classes is going well so far!! I've decided to take the semester off.
  22. Dcccd 2006

    I'm now an official applicant!!! DH mailed it off today!!! Woohoo!!! Man, I"ve been waiting for this moment FOREVER. I've been taking classes for awhile but I didn't take them too seriously unfortunately, and my grades reflected that. It's just this...
  23. Dcccd 2006

    Does anyone know what time the El Centro Health Occupations Office closes? I just need to make a copy of my shot records and then it's ready to be turned in! I want take my packet in person. OH! And I recalculated my GPA on my support courses..I thou...
  24. Dcccd 2006

    Hooray for potty training! K FINALLY got potty trained Well, I'm thinking of taking a class but the only class I need is Micro..I usually take classes at Cedar Valley but they're not offereing it during the evening. All of my other classes are done.
  25. Dcccd 2006

    I'm glad to know that there are other parents HOPEFULLY that will be in the nursing program!!