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All Content by diligent-trooper

  1. "size of the paycheck"

    I would pick her up by the collar of her shirt, lift her off the floor, and press her against the wall and say: "You talking to me?, You talking to me?"
  2. Suggestions for an eager student!

    This is actually an issue you should be approaching your instructor or Nursing School with. It could be a communication issue with the UM, and the staff. It could be an issue that the Nursing Staff does not fully understand what you can do.
  3. Help-Desperately Need Advice!

    Nursing home is another alternative. You do not have to stay forever. It is better to be in a nursing position, than to be at Wendy's, or sitting on your duff.
  4. Which Nursing Jobs are the Least Stressful?

    How did you get on this floor in the first place? Did you know someone? Any floor in the Acute Care setting is going to be fast paced, and require one to be on the feet all day. Bottom line, it takes someone who does not mind to work hard. You mi...
  5. What is my license worth?!

    I have no idea what you are asking...
  6. Business Casual or Professional for Interview?

    Personally, l would dress nicely, but comfortably. A nice white shirt, with tie, and shined dress shoes would be all that is needed. I actually had a panel interview with the recruiter, and two unit managers. The recruiter was in simple business ...
  7. one of my clients i take care is entirely too abusive.

    Quit... the boss blatantly does not care about the employees. I am sure the boss would react with the same attitude, if the resident took out a 12 gauge rifle and fired it! Oh! Hee...HEE. HEE.... that is just the way she is!
  8. Are nurses allowed to recommend doctors??

    Unless you work for one!
  9. I'm seriously starting to doubt that nursing is right for me!

    LOL... I would not give to much thought to your present emotional and mental reaction. By the time you graduate from H.S., and then college, you will most likely look at your teens and wonder what that was about. Just know that it is all part of de...
  10. Helpless Visitors

    I am getting the sense that some posters are in disagreement with viewing their patients and their family members as "customers." I welcome you to visit the "Medicare and Medicaid" government websites. Review the information on your specific facili...
  11. Just a random vent

    I have no idea why people act so hostile and have such an obvious disrespect for the Nursing staff. It seems to me little trivial events set these individuals off, and it is down hill from there. I understand the family can be stressed out, I mean ...
  12. It seems probie's can't take a joke or laugh

    I think someone is maaaaaad!
  13. It seems probie's can't take a joke or laugh

    Well, I think it depends on the certain "newbie." I am a new nurse, and I experienced what you were describing. Working in the ICU, there will be times when a person codes. The nurses, at shift change one morning, were recalling their most memoria...
  14. Question about morphine

    Well, I believe she knew morphine would affect the R/R, which were already compromised. The goal of the intervention with morphine was to relieve the serious pain in this case, which was very important. It could be a number of things that were fac...
  15. CPR! quick question!

    I am not sure what you mean by "immediately"? Is the AED right by you, or you at least know where in the building it is located? If so, don't waste time with beginning CPR. Only reason CPR is even started is when Advance Life Support is not immedi...
  16. This can't be right...

    I would file a grievance complaint with the hospital to whom, or the department in which handles such actions. I would also get in contact with that P.A. This sounds like an issue with your DON, and I believe you should have not lost your job. It...
  17. Helpless Visitors

    Well, I believe one has to rise to the occasion, and take care of whom ever graces our floor. I is an equivalent to the McDonald's employees being greeted with a bus. Don't like it, some times hate it, but it needs to be done. Granted the individu...
  18. Can a nurse report a MD for being rude?

    That is the greatest come back line I have ever heard. I believe in the clinical setting it has the same meaning as: **** YOU!
  19. It's all about who you know!

    Isn't it the goal in the job search to get the interview. The interview is the last step in the hiring process. All one has to do, is present themselves as one who can "play well with others." I think you have missed the point of the discussion. ...
  20. Can a nurse report a MD for being rude?

    I think you have to agree, you are not really dealing with the same set of circumstances. There is a huge difference between a Senior Resident MD, and a practicing MD. A resident is actually a student, and he should be acting on his best behavior. ...
  21. Can a nurse report a MD for being rude?

    I am sorry this happened. I do not know what it is, but I do recall working in a factory where I was a lowly Shift Manager where similar experiences materialized with the Engineers. As there are mean, rude, arrogant, self-centered MDs, there are ot...
  22. Teching while in Nursing School?

    Congrats on the 4.0. But, I entered my Nursing School starting with 60 classmates, and on graduation day there were only 31. Highest GPA in the class was 3.65, which went to my friend. Only 4 others received low Honors. That is my story! NCLEX...
  23. Starting my first RN job next week...advice

    Well, my uncle's advice would be: "Go in there like you know what you are doing,and if you don't, just fake it!" On a serious note though, just know you are new. They do not expect you know everything. What they do expect, is that you are motiv...
  24. Breaking Headline--Re-entry nurse obtains hospital position!

    i am so happy, i could pee! yeah!!!!!!!
  25. It's all about who you know!

    This is the great thing called "networking" which has been introduced slowly into the Hospital systems. As the hospital turns its direction towards a business model, the HR department has become filled with people who do not have the slightness clue ...