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All Content by diligent-trooper

  1. New Grad RN CAN'T FIND WORK!! What should I do?

    I applied to hospitals, with the impression I was competing with new nurse graduates, later to be rejected and told the positions were being filled with more experienced individuals. wHaaaaa! I finally was offered a nurse position with a Nursing hom...
  2. Mama told me there would be days like this!!!!!

    I agree with the prior posts. I do not know what your situation. There is a difference in telling the new employer details of documented incidences, than just making stuff up. If it is the former, then there is nothing you can do.
  3. So what would you do in this situation?

    Hmmmm. I have never had this experience. Everyone says: " NOT to burn bridges." I am not sure what this says about your new DON, and if this new place is all that it is suppose to be. I would expect any employer to praise and wish their future emp...
  4. I Didn't Pull An Order For That Out Of My Rear End

    I can understand your issue. They may be simply verifying the physician's original order. Just in case, an error has occurred in transcription:coollook: by whomever: doctor, nurse, pharmacist.....
  5. To quote or not to quote...

    Actually, she is correct. The woman is not the one refusing, but the husband is. I am not sure why the UM has to be so hard*** to write people up. It is actually a teaching moment.
  6. New nurse, new possible job

    This is not unusual. I would assume you would be with another nurse, in order to take care of those 25 patients. You will need to be able to prioritize, and do good spot assessments. Pay attention to their diagnosis, and assess accordingly. Good ...
  7. Total procrastination mode

    The main reason why you might find yourself procrastinating is due to the fact that you all ready made your mind up you are going to fail. I recommend you approach the essay differently. You should seek assistance from experts. If you do not have ...
  8. last night

    LOL....Lordy, Lordy!
  9. dreading going back to work tomorrow

    I am sorry you are going through this! I know from my past experience, the worse part is being away from the work place. My bad days seemed to happen over the week-end, or the last day of my three. The more the mind is away, the worse my brain had...
  10. Feel like I'm contstantly making mistakes!

    I had a teacher back in elementary school who who said: "Look at mistakes as a learning experiences." These are little mistakes, and you are a smart and gifted individual who will be able to refine your assessment and documentation to address these...
  11. NCLEX Retake Details

    You will need to check with your BON of your individual state. I am from Indiana, the required time stated by the BON is 90 days.
  12. Help with Major CNA Problems

    Well, I heard the best way to get motivated, conscientious, integrity, independent, nurturing, and team building individuals: Is to pay for it! Stop paying crap wages, which only attracts substandard employees.
  13. Need advice on how adjust a new RN attitude

    First, how do you define "professional?"
  14. maybe I wasn't being nice.....

    I believe you are being overly critical. I also believe you are arrogant. Medical/Surgical usually has stable patients, so they are not use to the initial steps. I noticed you have 6 months of experience(assuming this is ICU), which makes you an exp...
  15. Waiting to hear today if I get a 2nd interview...

    I feel your pain... I am waiting to hear word from my last interview experience.
  16. Marked with a bullseye at work?

    I am sorry you are going through this crap! It sounds like you are doing all you can do now with sending out the applications. This should take some of the pressure off, just knowing their is a way out of this mess.
  17. This drives me nuts! Do you know how to read???

  18. This drives me nuts! Do you know how to read???

    Most patients I have been involved with know how to read. What part of the country is OP from?
  19. How can I get OUT of Med Surg and into ICU, ER??

    I do not know why people have to exaggerate the circumstances to prove their point. 10 patients? What? Really....
  20. How can I get OUT of Med Surg and into ICU, ER??

    I don't know where you have the idea it was suggested it wasn't hard-work. My comments were the for the original post: The young lady believes it is beneath her to work in a Med-Surg., she is too smart for such an area. I think she is arrogant! S...
  21. How can I get OUT of Med Surg and into ICU, ER??

    You have 2 years of experience, and you already have an attitude which screams "burn-out". Why don't you leave, so a new person can take your place.
  22. How can I get OUT of Med Surg and into ICU, ER??

  23. How can I get OUT of Med Surg and into ICU, ER??

    I am a new graduate too. I think you are very arrogant! Each floor is an opportunity to learn. Apparently, you believe you don't have to concentrate on you nursing skills, so that leaves communication. Communication is an excellent skill set to h...
  24. 4th day off of ED orientation...what have I gotten myself into?

    ED is a place where the pace could be slow, then ridiculously fast depending on the shift. As a new grad, I did not wish to start in the ED. It is a department where one truly needs to have their skill sets down, or at least an exceptional fast lea...