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All Content by Dream2BeFNP

  1. Samuel Merritt ELMSN Sacramento 2011

    atmywindow - Congratulations on your CM interview! Best of luck!! Did your interviewer tell you anything different about the timeline for decisions? I'm still wondering whether anyone is going to hear anything this week, or if it's going to be the l...
  2. Samuel Merritt ELMSN Sacramento 2011

    I'm with you guys! I cannot stop thinking about it! The anticipation is killing me. I'm still not positive we will hear this week as ---- said, because in past years most applicants weren't notified until October, and that's what ------ has said as w...
  3. Samuel Merritt ELMSN Sacramento 2011

    Maia99 - I was in the 10AM group on Thursday. As far as I know, there have only been two interviews thus far. Do you know when the third group interview will take place? Atmywindow - Good luck on your CM interview!! When is it?
  4. Samuel Merritt ELMSN Sacramento 2011

    I believe there were 19 in my group. The waitlist experience sounds terrible! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Do you know how many got in off the waitlist last year? What number were you? Best of luck to you this cycle !!
  5. Samuel Merritt ELMSN Sacramento 2011

    Hi All!! I just found this site...wish I would have come across it earlier!! I was in the Thursday interview. Glad to have it over with, but very anxious to hear back!! 2bgr8nurse - Did they say they are interviewing 80 people total for both program...