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All Content by Mijourney

  1. Advice needed, please!!!!!!

    I think that it would be important to have certain types of experience as a RN. Your LPN experience may or may not be helpful. If you like psych then I would try to work in that area as an RN first before I took on the responsibility of going into ...
  2. Medical Records Standards

    You can also add www.AHIMA.org to the list of entities that have a body of knowledge on EHR standards.
  3. HITPRO exams

    I have heard of the Office of National Coordinator Health Information Technology Programs. I personally think it would be helpful especially since you took and passed the HIT PRO certification. If you successfully complete your nursing courses and ...
  4. MSN RHIA Certification

    There are a number of schools that provide a post baccalaureate certificate in HIM. Once again the AHIMA website is the place to go to check CAHIIM accredited schools for that as well as baccalaureate and master's programs. The AHIMA website also te...
  5. Epic Medical Record Failure

    LOL! LOL! It's amazing the first patient regained consciousness with the EPIC failure. The last segment with the residents and physicians was a riot.
  6. does a BSN get you anywhere in informatics?

    It's interesting that in 2012, we still have a number of nurses that feel like you only use your nursing knowledge and skills for direct patient care. That could not be further from the truth. As long as a nursing license is required for the job, you...
  7. Hi everyone. Please respond and offer feedback on whether you are ashamed of or embarrassed about being a nurse; becoming a nurse; or considering nursing as a career. If you are ashamed or embarrassed, why? If not, why not?
  8. MSN RHIA Certification

    A MSN degree does not qualify you for a Rhia credential. You will need to enroll in a bachelor's or master's level health information program and graduate to be eligible to take the Rhia exam. Check out the following link: AHIMA Home - American Healt...
  9. Length of time to learn documentation

    I agree with psu_213 that learning the EHR depends on the facility and program. It also depends on how comfortable the nurse is with technology. If you have a nurse that has limited knowledge of computers, then it may take that nurse weeks to become...
  10. 16,000 Nurses can't be wrong!

    The EHR in my opinion does help in many cases to clarify the care plan and the care. However, I still crave better documentation from nurses as well as other providers. Even with the EHR, frequently nursing documentation will lack sophistication. I...
  11. Judy Murphy

    It is great that the leader of the ONC is recognizing that nurses have a stake in IT and has called one of our own to the table. Congratulations to Ms. Murphy. Her appointment should elevate the status and recognition of nursing informatics and give ...
  12. The Veterans Administration hospitals have had their vista EHR in use for more than a few years. Other EMR technology have been in use for a number of years at the VA. In fact, I believe I read that their clinicians are now using mobile technology....
  13. How do you get a job with no RECENT exp.

    Thank you Westieluv for the feedback. I thought that the RN refresher programs, particularly if sponsored by a hospital, would give a nurse what is needed to get a job just prior to or upon graduation. It appears I assumed incorrectly. I guess I w...
  14. Acute care vs. Home health

    I notice that our newer generation of nurses are burning out quicker than us old guard. It sounds like providing direct care has become more challenging then in previous times or perhaps nursing students are not assessing what works best for them be...
  15. A question for all nurses...

    I agree with the previous posters. Your MA will not be given much credence as you practice nursing. But, your experience in counseling will make you highly effective in patient, family, and staff interactions. Hopefully, once you achieve RN status...
  16. How do you get a job with no RECENT exp.

    CNPalmer, when you went for your nurse refresher course, did you go with the understanding that you would be hired upon completion of the course? It seems strange to me to offer a refresher course and not tie employment to it. Did you take your nur...
  17. Your Input is Needed

    RNI2011, even though this is not the correct thread for your question, have you taken a look at health information management? The graduate level programs in that discipline offer degrees in health informatics which would qualify you for a number of...
  18. Patient safety is a part of quality, in my opinion. The IOM brings up great suggestions for solutions to the problem of hazards created as a result of the use of health IT. I also wonder if individual quality assurance or quality improvement depart...
  19. Hello. I have located the website that includes additional information about HITECH programs: http://healthit.hhs.gov/portal/server.pt/community/healthit_hhs_gov__hitech_programs/1487 It appears that the ONC portion of the funding for the programs...
  20. Need real world info please

    Hi folks. As I understand it, there are different categories of skill sets one could learn. For instance, you can learn to become a consultant or trainer. However, it would appear from what you all have pointed out, the programs are meaningless. D...
  21. Has anyone completed this program or will be completing this program in the near future? If so, have you had any job offers? I believe there is a community college HITECH program as well. Has anyone completed or is near completion in one of these ...
  22. Lately, I have been reading about the increasing surge of physicians, particularly primary care physicians converting their practices into a concierge model. How does this impact nurse practitioners? It seems to me that if physicians are going to d...
  23. Halamka's HIT predictions too optimistic?

    As a former trekkie, I feel that Dr. Halamka's emphasis on cloud computing is interesting. I really never grasped that concept until I read the article you posted, Angela. I do see cloud computing as a reality, although as jjjoy indicates, implemen...
  24. Integrating YouTube into Nursing Curriculum

    Any more, students have to be entertained to learn. So many of us are completely absorbed by today's gidgets and gadgets. I know things progress, but I guess I still am a bit old-fashioned and sentimental and feel the need to hold on to the past. ...
  25. Angels with a broken wing

    The article simply concluded what we all knew. Some of the people who go into the nursing profession or even what may be called the "helping" professions are not quality people or "people persons" as it were. Nursing, since that is what I know, is ...